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Course : Life I: Mol & Cell Concepts

Course Number
BIOL 1114
Section Number
Spring 2024
Bolin Hall, 213
Days & Times
Final Exam Day/Time
Tuesday, May 09, 2023 8:00 am - 10:00 am

Course Description:


Life I – Molecular & Cellular Concepts is the first in a two-course sequence designed for students majoring in the natural sciences. It introduces the principles and concepts that describe living systems at the molecular and cellular levels, including scientific methods of inquiry; features distinguishing viruses, prokaryotic, and eukaryotic cells; membrane structure and transport; metabolic processes and pathways; and macromolecules within an evolutionary framework.


Course Objectives:


The successful student will:


1.  Understand and use scientific methods of inquiry and reporting

2.  Identify properties of the major molecules of life.

3.  Recognize the similarities and differences among viruses, prokaryotic cells, and eukaryotic cells.

4.  Describe the structure of cell membranes and mechanisms for movement across membranes.

5.  Identify important metabolic pathways including substrate, products, and regulatory interactions.

6.  Describe information flow from nucleic acids to proteins including chemicals structures, synthesis, and regulation.

7.  Recognize the unity and diversity of life and their origin in evolution through natural selection.

Students have responsibilities for achieving the course objectives. Learning is a process that requires skills and strategies, and you must actively develop those that work best for you. In this course the foundation of academic success includes:

·        Attending class

·        Reading the assigned material

·        Asking your professor (Dr. Tim Pegg) for assistance and clarification of topics when required

Desire-to-Learn (D2L)

D2L will be used as a means of communicating, as a location where you can access resources (ex. PowerPoints) that are required or useful for success in the course, and where you will submit some required work products. You can log into D2L through the MSU Homepage. If you experience difficulties, please use links to technical help found in the D2L site.

Electronics in Class


Cell phones, computers and other electronic devices must be turned off in class unless prior permission has been obtained by the instructor, they serve as an accommodation to an impairment or disability, and/or must stay on as a requirement for an occupation (EMT, other medical professional, etc.)

Campus Carry Rules/Policies

Effective August 1, 2016, the Campus Carry law (Senate Bill 11) allows those licensed individuals to carry a concealed handgun in buildings on public university campuses, except in locations the University establishes as prohibited. The new Constitutional Carry law does not change this process. Concealed carry still requires a License to Carry permit, and openly carrying handguns is not allowed on college campuses. For more information, visit Campus Carry.


Active Shooter Information

The safety and security of our campus is the responsibility of everyone in our community. Each of us has an obligation to be prepared to appropriately respond to threats to our campus, such as an active aggressor. Please review the information provided by MSU Police Department regarding the options and strategies we can all use to stay safe during difficult situations. For more information, visit Safety / Emergency Procedures. Students are encouraged to watch the video entitled “Run. Hide. Fight.” which may be electronically accessed via the University police department’s webpage: "Run. Hide. Fight."  


Smoking/Tobacco Policy:

University policy strictly prohibits the use of tobacco products in any building owned or operated by Midwestern State University. Adult students may smoke only in the outside designated-smoking areas at each location.


Alcohol and Drug Policy:


Please refer to the (2022-2023 Student Handbook)


To comply with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 and subsequent amendments, students and employees of Midwestern State University are informed that strictly enforced policies are in place which prohibit the unlawful possession, use or distribution of any illicit drugs, including alcohol, on university property or as part of any university-sponsored activity. Students and employees are also subject to all applicable legal sanctions under local, state, and federal law for any offenses involving illicit drugs on university property or at University-sponsored activities.


Academic Dishonesty:

Dishonesty within the academic community is a very serious matter because dishonesty destroys the basic trust necessary for a healthy educational environment. Academic dishonesty is any treatment or representation of work as if one were fully responsible for it when it is in fact the work of another person. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, plagiarism, theft, or improper manipulation of laboratory or research data or theft of services. A substantiated case of academic dishonesty may result in disciplinary action, including a failing grade on the project, a failing grade in the course, removal from the course, and/or expulsion from Midwestern State University. Please reference the 2022-2023 Student Handbook for additional information.

Services for Students with Disabilities

In accordance with Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Midwestern State University endeavors to make reasonable accommodations to ensure equal opportunity for qualified persons with disabilities to participate in all educational, social, and recreational programs and activities. After notification of acceptance, students requiring accommodations should make application for such assistance through Disability Support Services, located in the Clark Student Center, Room 168, (940) 397-4140. Current documentation of a disability will be required in order to provide appropriate services, and each request will be individually reviewed. For more details, please go to Disability Support Services.


Grade Appeal Process


To appeal a grade, consult the Midwestern State University 2021-2022 Student Handbook and visit the following checklists: the Grade Appeal Checklist provides the timeline for appealing from the instructor to the next in line (dean of the college). The Academic Honesty Checklist describes the timeline for appealing from the instructor to the next in line (chair of department) and who must be notified of academic honesty infractions.

Excused Absences

Email me at least 24 hours before a planned event or absence. You will be responsible for the work and material we cover in class. Final Exams will not be excused unless an extraordinary circumstance has occurred.


Absences Due to Co-Curricular Events or Religious Observances


Classes missed due to participation in college-sponsored co-curricular events or college-recognized religious observances are considered excused absences provided appropriate procedures are followed. The student must notify the instructor at the earliest possible time before the absence and arrange to make up missed work as defined by the instructor’s syllabus.


Unexcused Absences

If a student has an unexcused absence from class on the day of an exam or quiz normally a make-up will not be allowed; however, the instructor may make exceptions under extraordinary circumstances. There will be no make-ups for missed quizzes. After 4 unexcused absences, you will be dropped from the course.

Class Dismissal

The instructor may dismiss students from lecture and lab sections due to instances of significant disrespect, disruption, discriminatory or threatening behaviors. Return to class will be prohibited prior to meeting with the instructor to discuss the incident. A second instance of dismissal will result in permanent removal from the course and an automatic assignment of an “F” grade for lecture and lab. Immediate removal from the course and assignment of an “F” grade may result from severe instances of class syllabus or MSU College policy violations

Desire-to-Learn (D2L)

D2L will be used as a means of communicating, as a location where you can access resources (ex. PowerPoints) that are required or useful for success in the course, and where you will submit some required work products. You can log into D2L through the MSU Homepage. If you experience difficulties, please use links to technical help found in the D2L site.

Extraordinary circumstances


In the case of extraordinary circumstances (documented medical emergency, natural disasters, etc.), the instructor reserves the right to resolve grading issues on an individual basis and in accordance with criteria stipulated in the 2021-2022 MSU Student Handbook.

Note: You may not submit a paper for a grade in this class that already has been (or will be) submitted for a grade in another course, unless you obtain the explicit written permission of me and the other instructor involved in advance.

Plagiarism is the use of someone else's thoughts, words, ideas, or lines of argument in your own work without appropriate documentation (a parenthetical citation at the end and a listing in "Works Cited")-whether you use that material in a quote, paraphrase, or summary. It is a theft of intellectual property and will not be tolerated, whether intentional or not.

Student Honor Creed

As an MSU Student, I pledge not to lie, cheat, steal, or help anyone else do so."

As students at MSU, we recognize that any great society must be composed of empowered, responsible citizens. We also recognize universities play an important role in helping mold these responsible citizens. We believe students themselves play an important part in developing responsible citizenship by maintaining a community where integrity and honorable character are the norm, not the exception.

Thus, We, the Students of Midwestern State University, resolve to uphold the honor of the University by affirming our commitment to complete academic honesty. We resolve not only to be honest but also to hold our peers accountable for complete honesty in all university matters.

We consider it dishonest to ask for, give, or receive help in examinations or quizzes, to use any unauthorized material in examinations, or to present, as one's own, work or ideas which are not entirely one's own. We recognize that any instructor has the right to expect that all student work is honest, original work. We accept and acknowledge that responsibility for lying, cheating, stealing, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty fundamentally rests within each individual student.

We expect of ourselves academic integrity, personal professionalism, and ethical character. We appreciate steps taken by University officials to protect the honor of the University against any who would disgrace the MSU student body by violating the spirit of this creed.

Written and adopted by the 2002-2003 MSU Student Senate.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Disability Support Services in Room 168 of the Clark Student Center, (940) 397-4140.

The professor considers this classroom to be a place where you will be treated with respect as a human being - regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, political beliefs, age, or ability. Additionally, diversity of thought is appreciated and encouraged, provided you can agree to disagree. It is the professor's expectation that ALL students consider the classroom a safe environment.

All instructors in the Department have voicemail in their offices and MSUTexas e-mail addresses. Make sure you add your instructor's phone number and e-mail address to both email and cell phone lists of contacts.

Obligation to Report Sex Discrimination under State and Federal Law

Midwestern State University is committed to providing and strengthening an educational, working, and living environment where students, faculty, staff, and visitors are free from sex discrimination of any kind. State and federal law require University employees to report sex discrimination and sexual misconduct to the University’s Office of Title IX. As a faculty member, I am required to report to the Title IX Coordinator any allegations, personally observed behavior, or other direct or indirect knowledge of conduct that reasonably may constitute sex discrimination or sexual misconduct, which includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, or stalking, involving a student or employee. After a report is made, the office of Title IX will reach out to the affected student or employee in an effort to connect such person(s) with resources and options in addressing the allegations made in the report. You are also encouraged to report any incidents to the office of Title IX. You may do so by contacting:

Laura Hetrick

Title IX Coordinator
Sunwatcher Village Clubhouse


You may also file an online report 24/7 at Maxient 

Should you wish to visit with someone about your experience in confidence, you may contact the MSU Counseling Center at 940-397-4618. For more information on the University’s policy on Title IX or sexual misconduct, please visit MSU Texas Title IX

Senate Bill 11 passed by the 84th Texas Legislature allows licensed handgun holders to carry concealed handguns on campus, effective August 1, 2016. Areas excluded from concealed carry are appropriately marked, in accordance with state law. For more information regarding campus carry, please refer to the University’s webpage at

If you have questions or concerns, please contact MSU Chief of Police at