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Dr. Ann Marie Leimer

Fain Fine Arts Center
Institution Degree Graduation Date
University of Texas at Austin Ph.D. 2005
University of Texas at Austin M.A. 2001
Employer Position Start Date End Date
Midwestern State University Professor 05/11/2021
Midwestern State University Department Chair 05/11/2021 05/11/2021
Midwestern State University Associate Professor 05/11/2021 05/11/2021
University of Redlands Associate Professor 05/11/2021 05/11/2021
University of Redlands Assistant Professor 05/11/2021 05/11/2021

Consuelo Jimenez Underwood: Art, Weaving, Vision, Duke University Press, 2022

“Garments for the Goddess of the Américas: The American Dress Triptych,” Book chapter for Consuelo Jimenez Underwood: Art, Weaving,Vision, Duke University Press, 2022

Works Under Review

“Out from the Shadows: La vida, trabajo, y legado de Lola Álvarez Bravo,” Book chapter, The Other Fridas: Latin American Women Artists Who Challenged Society

“Garments for the Goddess of the Américas: The American Dress Triptych,” Book chapter for Consuelo Jimenez Underwood: Art, Vision Weaving



Consuelo Jimenez Underwood: Art, Vision Weaving

Expected publication date, Duke University Press


Book Chapters

"Cruel Beauty, Precarious Breath: Visualizing the US-Mexico Border.” In Border Crossings: A Bedford Spotlight Reader, 222-233. Reprint, College textbook, Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press, 2016.

"Cruel Beauty, Precarious Breath: Visualizing the US-Mexico Border.” Chapter 8 in New Frontiers in Latin American Borderlands, 73-84. Leslie Cecil, editor. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012.

“Re-Membering the Body: Spiritual Genealogy, Collective Memory, and Lost Histories in Delilah Montoya's Codex Delilah.” Chapter 1 in Chican@ Critical Perspectives and Praxis at the Turn of the 21st Century, Ed A. Muñoz, editor, 10-33. Berkeley and Santa Cruz: Inkworks Press and Community Printers. Peer reviewed, Published 2009.


Journal Articles

Vidrio y Hilo: Two Stories of the Border,” Journal of Latino/Latin American Studies, 2019.

“La Conquistadora: A Conquering Virgin Meets Her Match.” In Religion and the Arts, Volume 18, no. 1-2 (2014): 245-268.

“Chicana Photography: The Power of Place.” In Poesía, Baile y Canción: The Politics, Implications, and Future of Chicana/os’ Cultural Production, Mari Castañeda, editor, 27-39. Available at SJSU ScholarWorks. Peer reviewed, Published 2010.

Crossing the Border with La Adelita: Lucha-Adelucha as Nepantlera in Delilah Montoya's Codex Delilah.”Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social, Vol. 5, no. 2 (Spring 2006): 12-59. Peer reviewed.


Exhibition Catalogs

“Los Maestros de San Antonio: Jesse A. Almazán, José Esquivel, and Rudy R. Trevino.” In Los Maestros: Early Explorers of Chicano Identity, 4-31. Ex. Cat. San Antonio, TX: Centro de Artes, 2020.

“Fear and Fascination: Representando las nubes, las tormentas, y el relámpago.” In Tina Fuentes: Marcando el Relámpago, 4-19. Lubbock, TX: Museum of Texas Tech University, 2017.

 “Aquí Estamos: Ahora y Always.” In LatinX: Artistas de Tejas, 2-5. Lubbock, TX: LHUCA, 2017. 

"Celebrating Sor Juana, Celebrating Tejana Artists." In Voices In Concert: Tina Fuentes, Kathy Vargas, and Delilah Montoya, 4-23. University of Houston: Arte Público Press, 2015.

“Beyond Identity? Beyond Heritage?” In Beyond Heritage, Dan Danzig and Daniel Foster, editors, 25-44. Pomona, CA: Millard Sheets Gallery, 2006. Invited lead catalogue essay.

“Charles Sheeler.” In Blanton Museum of Art: American Art since 1900, Annette DiMeo Carlozzi and Kelly Baum, editors, 274-275. Austin, TX: Blanton Museum of Art and The University of Texas at Austin, 2006. Invited catalog entry.



Review of Las Olvidadas: The Forgotten Women - Photographs by Maya Goded. California Museum of Photography. Afterimage 38, no. 6 (May/June 2011), 28-29.