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- College of Education, West
- Bio
Christina Janise Wickard (formerly McIntyre) is a Professor in the Curriculum and Learning Department of the West College of Education and Professional Studies and is the program coordinator for the Curriculum and Instruction graduate program. She has a BA in English, an MEd in Counseling, and a PhD in Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum from the University of Oklahoma. Her research interests include pre-service teacher education and professional development.
Institution | Degree | Graduation Date |
University of Oklahoma | PhD | 2008 |
East Central University | MEd, Counseling | 1900 |
East Central Univeristy | B.A | 1900 |
Employer | Position | Start Date | End Date |
Midwestern State Univeristy | Assistant/Associate Professor | 08/01/2012 | |
Elgin High School | Counselor | 08/01/2000 | |
Elgin High School | English Teacher | 08/01/1997 | |
Burkburnett High School | English and Reading Teacher | 08/01/1995 |
Edited Book
Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Diversity and Equity in a Virtual World. 2022. Eds. Reeves, E. & McIntyre, C.J. IGI Global.
Refereed Book Chapters
Curry, L., Reeves, E., & McIntyre, C. J. 2022. Chapter 8: Teaching strategic reading skills after the lockdown: Ten Principles. In Learning and Teaching Methodologies. Vol 1. Infonomics Society, UK. pp141-158. DOI: 10.20533/978-1-913572-20-4_8
McIntyre, C.J. 2022. Chapter 6: Standards-Based Content Area Writing: Secondary Writing for Every Genre, Every Discipline. In Content Reading in Texas. Reeves, E. (Ed). Dubuque, IA. Kendall Hunt.
Reeves, E. & McIntyre, C.J. 2022. Chapter 1: Texas Standards and Organization. In Content Area Literacy: Grounded in Texas Standards. Reeves, E. (Ed). Dubuque, IA. Kendall Hunt.
Kureethara-Manuel, A., McIntyre, C.J., Reeves, E.K. & Curry, D.L. 2022. Chapter 25: Hybrid Methods Course Model for Teacher Education Candidates: Implementation Evidence from the Field. In Preparing Quality Teachers: Advances in Clinical Practice. Eds., Polly, D & Garin, E. New Information Age Publishing: Charlotte, NC. pp 543-559.
Wickard, J.T., McIntyre, C.J. & Reeves, E.K. 2021. âChapter 2: An Exploration of College Studentsâ Perceptions of the Efficacy of Online Video Response Platforms.â In Education Policy and Leadership. Vol 1. DOI 10.20533/978-1-913572-16-7 pp 20-31
McIntyre, C.J. 2019. âChapter 2: The reader, the text, the interpretation: Using reader response to develop critical literacy skills.â In Cartwright, A., & Reeves, E. (Eds.), Critical Literacy Initiatives for Civic Engagement. IGA. pp 29-46
Woods, K., McIntyre, C.J., Reeves, E., Whitehouse, P. 2018. âChapter 4: Integrating Movement in the Language Artsâ In Miller, S., & Lindt, S.F. (Eds.), Moving Into the Classroom: A Handbook for Movement Integration in the Elementary Classroom.
Springer. pp 47-72
McIntyre, C.J., & Reeves, E. 2018. âChapter 5: Lesson Plans for Moving in the Language Arts Classroom.â In Miller, S., & Lindt, S.F. (Eds.), Moving Into the Classroom: A Handbook for Movement Integration in the Elementary Classroom.
Springer. pp 73-105
McIntyre, C.J., Lynskey, A.C., & Miller, S. 2016. âProcess versus product: What are preservice teachers learning from ISL projects?â In D. Polly (Ed.), Evaluating Teacher Education Programs through Performance-based Assessments. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. pp. 328-336
Refereed Publications
Wickard, C.J., Reeves Fyfe, E., & Curry, D.L. (2025). A New Lesson Plan Design and Development Assistant? Using Chat GPT to support pre-service teachers. International Journal for Digital Society (IJDS), Volume 16, Issue 1, ISSN: 2040 2570 DOI 10.20533/ijds.2040.2570.2025.0246
Wickard, C.J., Reeves Fyfe, E., & Curry, D.L. (2024). Pre-service Teacher Candidatesâ Perceptions of Teacher Burnout. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Volume
15, Issue 1, ISSN 2042 6364 (Online), http://infonomics-society.org/ijcdse/.
Wickard, C.J., Reeves Fyfe, E., & Curry, D.L. (2023). Pre-service Teacher Candidatesâ Perceptions of Teacher Burnout. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education,14 (2), 4826-4830.
Wickard, C.J., Miller, S., Lindt, S.F. (2023, November 15). Six Check-In Ideas to Build Community in College Classrooms. Faculty Focus. https://www.facultyfocus.com/. https://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/effective-classroom-management/six-check-in-ideas-to-build-community-in-college-classrooms/
Reeves, E.K.,Wickard, C.J. & Curry, D.L. (2022). How Positionality Impacts Literacy at the College Level. Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal. Volume 13, Issue 1, pp. 3671 â 3677. ISSN: 2040 2589. DOI: 10.20533/licej.2040.2589.2022.0484
Reeves, E. & Wickard, C.J. 2022. Preparing Pre-service Teachers for edTPA Using PDS Support and Video Annotation. PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice. A Journal of the National Association of Professional Development Schools. Vol 17. (3) Fall 2022. Pp 21-23
Miller, S., McIntyre, C.J., Lindt, S. 2022. Strategies for Using Flipgrid to Engage Students. The Teaching Professor. August 15. https://www.teachingprofessor.com/topics/online-teaching-and-learning/strategies-for-using-flipgrid-to-engage-students/
McIntyre, C.J., Reeves, E.K., Henschel, S. & Pierce, L. 2022. Digital storytelling workshop: A PDS community collaboration. PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice. A Journal of the National Association of Professional Development Schools. Vol. 17 (1). pp 15-19.
Fyfe, A., Reeves, E. & McIntyre, CJ. (2021). Covid-19 and the Evolution to Checklist/Worklist Medicine.
International Journal for Cross-disciplinary Subjects in Education, Vol 12 (3). Pp 4548-4552. https://infonomics-society.org/wp-content/uploads/COVID-19-and-the-Evolution-to-Checklist.pdf
Reeves, E., McIntyre, C.J., Christian, A., Curry, D.L.& Kureethara-Manuel, A. (2021). Texas Pre-Service Teacher Education: Hybrid Methods Course Model Implementation. TxEP: Texas Educator Preparation. December 2021. pp 43-49 www.csotte.com/txep.
Reeves, EK, McIntyre, C.J., Henschel, S. & Pierce, L. (2021). Developing 21st century communication skills using digital storytelling. International Journal for Infonomics. Volume 14, Issue 1. Pp 2068-2072. https://infonomics-society.org/wp-content/uploads/Developing-21st-Century-Communication-Skills-Using-Digital-Storytelling.pdf
Miller, S.C., McIntyre, C.J., & Lindt, S. 2020. Engaging technology in elementary school: Flipgridâs potential. Childhood Education Innovations. May/June. pp 58-56.
King, B., McIntyre, C.J., & Parker, K. 2020.The process of self-acceptance of transgender individuals through narratives and photos. Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling. 14(30) pp 228-247.
Mann, A., Reeves, E., McIntyre, C.J., & Curry, D. 2020. Co-teaching in professional development schools: The gradual release of responsibility. PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice. A Journal of the National Association for Professional Development Schools. Vol 5, 22 Summer. pp 14-17.
McIntyre, C.J., Curry, D.L., King, B. 2018. Mutually beneficial professional development partnerships: One model. National Association of Professional Development Schools Special Issue School-University Partnerships: Mutually Beneficial PDS Models. pp 1-14.
Curry, D.L., Reeves, E., McIntyre, C.J., & Capps, M. 2018. Do teacher credentials matter? An examination of Teacher Quality. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue. Vol. 20, 1 & 2. pp 9-18.
King, B. & McIntyre, C.J. 2018. An Examination of The Shared Experiences of Ecotherapists Who Practice in Natural Environments. Ecopsychology. Vol 10, Number 2. pp 117-126. https://doi.org/10.1089/eco.2018.0014
Reeves, E., Curry, D.L., McIntyre, C.J. & Anderson, N. 2017. Online Literature Circles: Developing Culturally Responsive Preservice Teachers. The Texas Forum of Teacher Education. 7, pp 59-70.
Miller, S., McIntyre, C.J., & Lindt S.F. 2017. Interdisciplinary Approach to Undergraduate Research in Education: Collaborating on the Development of a Practitioner's Textbook. Council of Undergraduate Research Quarterly. Summer. pg 41
McIntyre, C.J., Reeves, E., & Curry, D.L. 2016. A case study of one adolescentâs poetry writing processes using think-aloud. Ubiquity: The Journal of Literature, Literacy, and the Arts: Research Strand. Vol 3, Issue 2 Fall/Winter. pp. 85-119 http://ed-ubiquity.gsu.edu/wordpress/
McIntyre, C.J., & Whitehouse, P. 2016. Looking back to learn forward: The science and artistry of developing pre-service teacher reflection. Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly. Vol. 10, Issue 1-2. pp 86-106
Curry, L., Reeves, E., & McIntyre, C.J. 2016. Connecting schools and families: Understanding the influence of home literacy practices. Texas Journal of Literacy Education. Vol 4, Issue 2, pp 69-77.
McIntyre, C.J., Miller, S, Lynskey AC, Whitehouse P. & Woods, K. 2015. Process over product: Using undergraduate research to prepare preservice teachers for teaching inquiry in the secondary classroom. International Journal of Education and Social Science. Vol. 2, No 5. pp 38-43.
McIntyre, C.J. 2015. Using student feedback to provide relevance for students in senior English. Journal of Education and Human Development. Vol. 4, No 2.pp 67-70.
Schultz, E.K., Simpson, C., Owen, J. & McIntyre, C.J. 2015. Service delivery for high school students with high incidence disabilities: Issues and challenges. Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals. Winter 2015, pp 114-124.
Miller, S., Lindt, S.F., McIntyre, C.J. 2014. Methods for improving pre-service teacher efficacy to integrate movement in the classroom. The Texas Forum of Teacher Education. October 2014, Vol 4. pp 105-120.
Whitehouse, P., McIntyre, C.J. 2013.Reflections of Pre-service teachers: An analysis of peer practice teaching video. The Texas Forum of Teacher Education. October 2013, Vol. 3. pp 57-71.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Reeves Fyfe, E., Wickard, C.J., & Curry, D.L. (2024). Chat GPT as a lesson plan design and development assistant â does it hurt or help?âEds. Shoniregu, C. & Akmayeva, G. London International Conference on Education (LICE 2024) and World Congress on Special Needs Education (WCSNE-2024). Infonomics Society. ISBN: 9978-1-913572-74-7.
Wickard, C.J., Reeves Fyfe, E., & Curry, D.L. (2023). Pre-service Teacher Candidatesâ Perceptions of
Teacher Burnout. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE) http://infonomics-society.org/ijcdse/.
Reeves, E.K., & Wickard, C.J. (2022). Cultural Autobiographies: Positionality and Literacy. Published in London International Conference on Education (LICE-2022) pp 50-51. London, UK: virtual conference. November 16, 2022. DOI: 10.20533/LICE.2022.0010 LICE-2022/ISBN 978-1-913572-52-5
Kureethara-Manuel, A., McIntyre, C., Reeves, E. & Curry, D. (2021). A Study on the Effects of Hybrid Methods in a Teacher Education Course. In E. Langran & L. Archambault (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1053-1057). Online, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved April 7, 2021 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/219281/.
Reeves, E., Fyfe, A., & McIntyre, C. J. (2021, November 22-24). Covid 19: Diversity, Equity, Disruption, or Disequilibrium. Published in: London International Conference on Education (LICE-2021). London, UK. DOI:10.20533/LICE.2021.0028. ISBN: 978-1-913572-42-6.
Reeves, E., McIntyre, C. J., & Henschel, S. (2021, November 22-24). Digital storytelling for communication: a community collaboration. Published in: London International Conference on Education (LICE-2021). London, UK. DOI: 10.20533/LICE.2021.0024. ISBN: 978-1-913572-42-6
McIntyre, C.J., Lindt, S. & Miller, S. (2020). Using Flipgrid to Increase College Studentsâ Depth of Knowledge. In . Gary H. Marks & . Denise Schmidt-Crawford (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1825-1830). Online: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved April 13, 2020 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/215959/.
Curry, D.L., Reeves, E., McIntyre, C.J. & Gupta, D. (2017). Taking Sheltered Instruction Digital: A Review of Classroom Technologies that Support ELL Students. In P. Resta, & S. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Austin, TX: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). pp 1498-1500
Whitehouse, P. & McIntyre, C.J. (2014). Pre-service teacher video case analysis: Using guided self-assessment to build TPACK. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2014. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). pp 2043-2049