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Dr. Christina Janise Wickard (formerly McIntyre)

Bridwell Hall


Christina Janise Wickard (formerly McIntyre) is a Professor in the Curriculum and Learning Department of the West College of Education and Professional Studies and is the program coordinator for the Curriculum and Instruction graduate program. She has a BA in English, an MEd in Counseling, and a PhD in Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum from the University of Oklahoma. Her research interests include pre-service teacher education and professional development. 

Institution Degree Graduation Date
University of Oklahoma PhD 2008
East Central University MEd, Counseling 1900
East Central Univeristy B.A 1900
Employer Position Start Date End Date
Midwestern State Univeristy Assistant/Associate Professor 08/01/2012
Elgin High School Counselor 08/01/2000
Elgin High School English Teacher 08/01/1997
Burkburnett High School English and Reading Teacher 08/01/1995


Edited Book


Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Diversity and Equity in a Virtual World. 2022. Eds. Reeves, E. & McIntyre, C.J. IGI Global.


Refereed Book Chapters


Curry, L., Reeves, E., & McIntyre, C. J. 2022. Chapter 8: Teaching strategic reading skills after the lockdown: Ten Principles. In Learning and Teaching Methodologies. Vol 1. Infonomics Society, UK. pp141-158. DOI: 10.20533/978-1-913572-20-4_8

McIntyre, C.J. 2022. Chapter 6: Standards-Based Content Area Writing: Secondary Writing for Every Genre, Every Discipline. In Content Reading in Texas. Reeves, E. (Ed). Dubuque, IA. Kendall Hunt.


Reeves, E. & McIntyre, C.J. 2022. Chapter 1: Texas Standards and Organization. In Content Area Literacy: Grounded in Texas Standards. Reeves, E. (Ed). Dubuque, IA. Kendall Hunt.


Kureethara-Manuel, A., McIntyre, C.J., Reeves, E.K. & Curry, D.L. 2022. Chapter 25: Hybrid Methods Course Model for Teacher Education Candidates: Implementation Evidence from the Field. In Preparing Quality Teachers: Advances in Clinical Practice. Eds., Polly, D & Garin, E. New Information Age Publishing: Charlotte, NC. pp 543-559.


Wickard, J.T., McIntyre, C.J. & Reeves, E.K. 2021. “Chapter 2: An Exploration of College Students’ Perceptions of the Efficacy of Online Video Response Platforms.” In Education Policy and Leadership. Vol 1. DOI 10.20533/978-1-913572-16-7 pp 20-31


 McIntyre, C.J. 2019. â€œChapter 2: The reader, the text, the interpretation: Using reader response to develop critical literacy skills.” In Cartwright, A., & Reeves, E. (Eds.), Critical Literacy Initiatives for Civic Engagement. IGA. pp 29-46


Woods, K., McIntyre, C.J., Reeves, E., Whitehouse, P. 2018. “Chapter 4: Integrating Movement in the Language Arts” In Miller, S., & Lindt, S.F. (Eds.), Moving Into the Classroom: A Handbook for Movement Integration in the Elementary Classroom.

Springer. pp 47-72


McIntyre, C.J., & Reeves, E. 2018. “Chapter 5: Lesson Plans for Moving in the Language Arts Classroom.” In Miller, S., & Lindt, S.F. (Eds.), Moving Into the Classroom: A Handbook for Movement Integration in the Elementary Classroom.

Springer. pp 73-105


McIntyre, C.J., Lynskey, A.C., & Miller, S. 2016. “Process versus product: What are preservice teachers learning from ISL projects?” In D. Polly (Ed.), Evaluating Teacher Education Programs through Performance-based Assessments. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. pp. 328-336


Refereed Publications

Wickard, C.J., Reeves Fyfe, E., & Curry, D.L. (2025). A New Lesson Plan Design and Development Assistant? Using Chat GPT to support pre-service teachers.  International Journal for Digital Society (IJDS), Volume 16, Issue 1, ISSN: 2040 2570 DOI 10.20533/ijds.2040.2570.2025.0246

Wickard, C.J., Reeves Fyfe, E., & Curry, D.L. (2024). Pre-service Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions of Teacher Burnout. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Volume

15, Issue 1, ISSN 2042 6364 (Online),

Wickard, C.J., Reeves Fyfe, E., & Curry, D.L. (2023). Pre-service Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions of Teacher Burnout. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education,14 (2), 4826-4830.


Wickard, C.J., Miller, S., Lindt, S.F. (2023, November 15). Six Check-In Ideas to Build Community in College Classrooms. Faculty Focus.

Reeves, E.K.,Wickard, C.J. & Curry, D.L. (2022). How Positionality Impacts Literacy at the College Level. Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal. Volume 13, Issue 1, pp. 3671 – 3677. ISSN: 2040 2589. DOI: 10.20533/licej.2040.2589.2022.0484


Reeves, E. & Wickard, C.J. 2022. Preparing Pre-service Teachers for edTPA Using PDS Support and Video Annotation. PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice. A Journal of the National Association of Professional Development Schools.  Vol 17. (3) Fall 2022. Pp 21-23


Miller, S., McIntyre, C.J., Lindt, S. 2022. Strategies for Using Flipgrid to Engage Students. The Teaching Professor. August 15.


McIntyre, C.J., Reeves, E.K., Henschel, S. & Pierce, L. 2022. Digital storytelling workshop: A PDS community collaboration. PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice. A Journal of the National Association of Professional Development Schools. Vol. 17 (1). pp 15-19.

Fyfe, A., Reeves, E. & McIntyre, CJ. (2021). Covid-19 and the Evolution to Checklist/Worklist Medicine.

International Journal for Cross-disciplinary Subjects in Education, Vol 12 (3). Pp 4548-4552.


Reeves, E., McIntyre, C.J., Christian, A., Curry, D.L.& Kureethara-Manuel, A. (2021). Texas Pre-Service Teacher Education: Hybrid Methods Course Model Implementation. TxEP: Texas Educator Preparation. December 2021. pp 43-49  


Reeves, EK, McIntyre, C.J., Henschel, S. & Pierce, L. (2021). Developing 21st century communication skills using digital storytelling. International Journal for Infonomics. Volume 14, Issue 1. Pp 2068-2072.


Miller, S.C., McIntyre, C.J., & Lindt, S. 2020. Engaging technology in elementary school: Flipgrid’s potential. Childhood Education Innovations. May/June. pp 58-56.


King, B., McIntyre, C.J., & Parker, K. 2020.The process of self-acceptance of transgender individuals through narratives and photos. Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling. 14(30) pp 228-247.


Mann, A., Reeves, E., McIntyre, C.J., & Curry, D. 2020. Co-teaching in professional development schools: The gradual release of responsibility. PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice. A Journal of the National Association for Professional Development Schools. Vol 5, 22 Summer. pp 14-17.


McIntyre, C.J., Curry, D.L., King, B. 2018. Mutually beneficial professional development partnerships: One model. National Association of Professional Development Schools Special Issue School-University Partnerships: Mutually Beneficial PDS Models. pp 1-14.


Curry, D.L., Reeves, E., McIntyre, C.J., & Capps, M. 2018. Do teacher credentials matter? An examination of Teacher Quality. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue. Vol. 20, 1 & 2. pp 9-18.


King, B. & McIntyre, C.J. 2018. An Examination of The Shared Experiences of Ecotherapists Who Practice in Natural Environments. Ecopsychology. Vol 10, Number 2. pp 117-126.


Reeves, E., Curry, D.L., McIntyre, C.J. & Anderson, N. 2017. Online Literature Circles: Developing Culturally Responsive Preservice Teachers. The Texas Forum of Teacher Education. 7, pp 59-70.


Miller, S., McIntyre, C.J., & Lindt S.F. 2017. Interdisciplinary Approach to Undergraduate Research in Education: Collaborating on the Development of a Practitioner's Textbook. Council of Undergraduate Research Quarterly. Summer. pg 41


McIntyre, C.J., Reeves, E., & Curry, D.L. 2016. A case study of one adolescent’s poetry writing processes using think-aloud. Ubiquity: The Journal of Literature, Literacy, and the Arts: Research Strand. Vol 3, Issue 2 Fall/Winter. pp. 85-119


McIntyre, C.J., & Whitehouse, P. 2016. Looking back to learn forward: The science and artistry of developing pre-service teacher reflection. Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly. Vol. 10, Issue 1-2. pp 86-106


Curry, L., Reeves, E., & McIntyre, C.J. 2016. Connecting schools and families: Understanding the influence of home literacy practices. Texas Journal of Literacy Education. Vol 4, Issue 2, pp 69-77.


McIntyre, C.J., Miller, S, Lynskey AC, Whitehouse P. & Woods, K. 2015. Process over product: Using undergraduate research to prepare preservice teachers for teaching inquiry in the secondary classroom. International Journal of Education and Social Science. Vol. 2, No 5. pp 38-43.


McIntyre, C.J. 2015. Using student feedback to provide relevance for students in senior English. Journal of Education and Human Development. Vol. 4, No 2.pp 67-70.


Schultz, E.K., Simpson, C., Owen, J. & McIntyre, C.J. 2015. Service delivery for high school students with high incidence disabilities: Issues and challenges. Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals. Winter 2015, pp 114-124.


Miller, S., Lindt, S.F., McIntyre, C.J. 2014. Methods for improving pre-service teacher efficacy to integrate movement in the classroom.   The Texas Forum of Teacher Education. October 2014, Vol 4. pp 105-120.


Whitehouse, P., McIntyre, C.J. 2013.Reflections of Pre-service teachers: An analysis of peer practice teaching video. The Texas Forum of Teacher Education. October 2013, Vol. 3. pp 57-71.


Refereed Conference Proceedings

Reeves Fyfe, E., Wickard, C.J., & Curry, D.L. (2024). Chat GPT as a lesson plan design and development assistant – does it hurt or help? Eds. Shoniregu, C. & Akmayeva, G. London International Conference on Education (LICE 2024) and World Congress on Special Needs Education (WCSNE-2024). Infonomics Society. ISBN: 9978-1-913572-74-7.

Wickard, C.J., Reeves Fyfe, E., & Curry, D.L. (2023). Pre-service Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions of

Teacher Burnout. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE)

Reeves, E.K., & Wickard, C.J. (2022). Cultural Autobiographies: Positionality and Literacy. Published in London International Conference on Education (LICE-2022) pp 50-51. London, UK: virtual conference. November 16, 2022. DOI: 10.20533/LICE.2022.0010 LICE-2022/ISBN 978-1-913572-52-5

Kureethara-Manuel, A., McIntyre, C., Reeves, E. & Curry, D. (2021). A Study on the Effects of Hybrid Methods in a Teacher Education Course. In E. Langran & L. Archambault (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1053-1057). Online, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved April 7, 2021 from


Reeves, E., Fyfe, A., & McIntyre, C. J. (2021, November 22-24). Covid 19: Diversity, Equity, Disruption, or Disequilibrium. Published in: London International Conference on Education (LICE-2021). London, UK. DOI:10.20533/LICE.2021.0028. ISBN: 978-1-913572-42-6.

Reeves, E., McIntyre, C. J., & Henschel, S. (2021, November 22-24). Digital storytelling for communication: a community collaboration. Published in: London International Conference on Education (LICE-2021). London, UK. DOI: 10.20533/LICE.2021.0024. ISBN: 978-1-913572-42-6

McIntyre, C.J., Lindt, S. & Miller, S. (2020). Using Flipgrid to Increase College Students’ Depth of Knowledge. In . Gary H. Marks & . Denise Schmidt-Crawford (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1825-1830). Online: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved April 13, 2020 from


Curry, D.L., Reeves, E., McIntyre, C.J. & Gupta, D. (2017). Taking Sheltered Instruction Digital: A Review of Classroom Technologies that Support ELL Students. In P. Resta, & S. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Austin, TX: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). pp 1498-1500


Whitehouse, P. & McIntyre, C.J. (2014). Pre-service teacher video case analysis: Using guided self-assessment to build TPACK. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2014. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). pp 2043-2049