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Dr. Daphney "Leann" Curry

Dean, Associate Professor
Bridwell Hall
Institution Degree Graduation Date
University of North Texas Doctor of Philosophy in Literacy and Language Studies, Minor: Early Childhood Studies 2014
Midwestern State University Master of Education in Reading. 2002
Midwestern State University Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies. 1995
Employer Position Start Date End Date
West College of Education, Midwestern State University Dean, Associate Professor 09/01/2022
West College of Education, Midwestern State University Associate Professor, Interim Dean 09/01/2021 08/31/2022
West College of Education, Midwestern State University Associate Professor, Chair, Director of Educator Preparation, Department of Curriculum and Learning 08/19/2019 08/31/2021
West College of Education, Midwestern State University Assistant Professor, Chair, Department of Curriculum and Learning 08/18/2014 08/12/2019
West College of Education, Midwestern State University Instructor 08/16/2004 08/18/2014

Research and Scholarly Activity

Book Contributions

Curry, D.L., Reeves, E.K, McIntyre, C.J. (2022). Chapter 8:Teaching Strategic Reading Skills after the Lockdown: Ten Principles. In  (Eds), Learning and Teaching Methodologies (Vol. 1. DOI: 10.20533/978-1-913572-20-4_8)

Lindt, S.F. & Curry, D.L. (2022). Planning and Reflecting as an Action Research Process. In E. Reeves (Ed.), Content Area Literacy: Grounded in Texas Standards. (Chapter 9). Dubuque, IA. Kendall Hunt.

Curry, D.L., Reeves, E.K, McIntyre, C.J. (2022). Teaching Strategic Reading Skills after the Lockdown: Ten Principles. In  (Eds), Learning and Teaching Methodologies (Vol. 1. DOI: 10.20533/978-1-913572-20-4_8)

Kureethara-Manuel, A., McIntyre, C.J., Reeves, E.K. & Curry, D.L. (2022). Hybrid Methods Course Model for Pre-Service Teacher Education: Implementation Evidence from the Field. In D. Polly & E. Garin (Eds.), Clinical Practice: Preparing Effective Teachers: Advances in Clinical Practice (pp. 543-560). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing

Reeves, E., Cartwright, A.M., & Curry, D. L. (2019). Strengthening Culturally Responsive Teaching through Existing Professional Development Partnerships. In N. Gallavan & L. Putney (Eds.), Teacher Education ATE Yearbook XXVI: Building Upon Inspiration and Aspirations with Hope, Courage, and Strength (Vol. 2, pp. 119-134). NY: Rowan & Littlefield.

Blacklock, P.J. & Curry, D.L. (2017). Professional Learning Community Practices and Characteristics Supporting Teacher Candidate and Student Learning within Selected Professional Development Schools. In In R.M. Reardon & J. Leonard (Eds.), Exploring the Community Impact of Research-Practice Partnerships in Education (pp.63-88). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. S. H, Huang & Curry, D.L. (2017). Interactive Literacy Approach to Support Struggling Reader’s Literacy Skills. In R. Nata (Ed.), Progress in Education, (Vol. 49, pp. 223-234). NY: Nova Science Publishing.

Reeves, E., Cartwright, A., & Curry, D. L. (2016). Strengthening Culturally Responsive Teaching through Existing Professional Development School Partnerships. In J. Ferrara, J. Nath, I. Guadarrama, R. Beebe (Eds), Professional Development Schools Research Book Series (Vol. 6, pp. 105-122). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Curry, D.L., & Cannella, G.S. (2013). Reconceptualist Her/Histories in Early Childhood Studies: Challenges, Power Relations, and Critical Activism. In V. Pacini-Ketchabaw & L. Prochner (Eds.), Re-situating Canadian Early Childhood Education (pp. ix-xxvi). NY: Peter Lang.

Refereed Journals

Wickard, C.J., Reeves Fyfe, E., & Curry, D.L. (2023). Potential Pre-Service Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions of Teacher Burnout. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education,14 (2), 4826-4830

Reeves, E.K., Wickard, C.J., & Curry, D.L. (2022). How Positionality Impacts Literacy at the College Level. Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal, 13 (1), 3671-3677.

Reeves, E.K., McIntyre, C.J., Christian, A.C., Curry, D.L., & Kureethara Manuel, A. (2021). Texas preservice teacher education: Hybrid methods course model implementation. TxEP Texas Educator Preparation. 5, 43-49.

Mann, A., Reeves, E.K., McIntyre, C.J., & Curry, D.L. (2020). Co-Teaching in Professional Development Schools: The Gradual Release of Responsibility. PDS Partners Bridging Research to Practice. 15 (2), 14-17.

Curry, D.L., Reeves, E., Capps, M., & McIntyre, C.J. McIntyre. (2018) Do teacher credentials matter? An examination of Teacher Quality. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 20(1-2), 9-18.

McIntyre, C.J, Curry, D. L., King, B. (2018). Mutually Beneficial Professional Development Partnerships: One Model. In NAPDS School University Partnerships, 11(3). Retrieved from

Reeves, E., Curry, D., McIntyre, C., & Anderson, N. (2017). Online Literature Circles: Developing Culturally Responsive Pre-Service Teachers. The Texas Forum of Teacher Education, 7, 59-70.

McIntyre, C., Reeves, E., & Curry, D. (2016). A Case Study of One Adolescent's Poetry Writing Processes Using Think-Aloud. Ubiquity: The Journal of Literature, Literacy, and the Arts, Research Strand, 3(2), 85-119.

Curry, D.L., Reeves, E., McIntyre, C.J. (2016). Connecting schools and families: Understanding the influence of home literacy practices. Texas Journal of Literacy Education, 4(2) 69-77.

Huang, S. H., Cobb, S., Whisnand, L., Pacheco, E. & Curry, D.L. (2015). Organizing a University-Based Reading Clinic Program for Struggling Readers. The Middle Years: Australian Literacy Educator’s Association Journal, 24, 27-36.

Refereed International Conference Proceedings

Kureethara-Manuel, A., McIntyre, C., Reeves, E. & Curry, D. (2021). A Study on the Effects of Hybrid Methods in a Teacher Education Course. In E. Langran & L. Archambault (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1053-1057). Online, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). 

Curry, D.L., Reeves, E., McIntyre, C., & Gupta, D. (2017). Taking Sheltered Instruction Digital: A Review of Classroom Technologies that Support ELL Students. In P. Resta & S. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1498-1500). Austin, TX, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Blacklock, P.J., Curry, D.L. & Lilienthal, L.K. (2017). Reflective Practice: Using Google Drive to Improve the Quality of Learning Experiences during Clinical Teaching. In P. Resta & S. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1141-1143). Austin, TX, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Lilienthal, L.K., Blacklock, P.J. & Curry, D.L. (2017). Using SignUpGenius to Assist With Education Student Communication and Scheduling. In P. Resta & S. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1701-1704). Austin, TX, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Curry, D.L., Blacklock, P.J., Graves, E. & Lilienthal, L.K. (2016). Reflective Thinking Practices of Preservice Teachers: The Role of Videotaped Teaching and Shared Practice Protocols. In G. Chamblee & L. Langub (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2016 (pp. 1036-1039). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Curry, D.L., Lilienthal, L.K. & Blacklock, P.J. (2015). The Impact of Videotaped Teaching on Reflective Practices of Preservice Teachers. In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2015(pp. 1827-1831). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Lilienthal, L. & Curry, D. (2015). Using Children's Literature and Digital Storytelling to Engage Preservice Teachers in the Creative Writing Process. In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2015 (pp. 575-577). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Other Publications

McIntyre, C.J., Reeves, E., Curry, D. (2017, spring). Pre-service teachers: TCTELA provides professional development opportunity. Texas Voices: A Newsletter of the Texas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts, 30(1), 2-3.

McIntyre, C.J., Reeves, E., Curry, D. (2017, summer). TCTELA provides grants for pre-service teachers to attend conference. Texas Voices: A Newsletter of the Texas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts, 30 (2), 5-6.


Accreditation/Technical Reports

Curry, D.L, & Capps, M.A. (2020). SACSCOC Substantive Change Prospectus Report, BSE Early Childhood Studies and Early Care

Curry, D.L, & Capps, M.A. (2020). SACSCOC Substantive Change Prospectus Report, BSE Early Childhood through Third Grade

Curry, D.L, & Capps, M.A. (2020) SACSCOC Substantive Change Prospectus Report, MED Curriculum and Instruction, Child and Adolescent Studies

Curry, D.L, & Capps, M.A. (2020). Texas Education Agency Application for new certifications, Early Childhood through Third Grade

Bral, C., Curry, D.L, & Capps, M.A. (2017) Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation Self Study Report

Capps, M.A. & Curry, D.L. (2016). National Science Teachers Association Specialty Program Area program report.

Curry, D.L. (2014). National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education Institutional Report for Standard 3.


Accepted Manuscripts

Curry, D.L., McIntyre, C.J., & Reeves, E.K. (anticipated 2024). From school to prison: Rethinking the euro western discipline referral system. Education Policy and Leadership.


Submitted Manuscripts


Reeves, E.K. Curry, D.L., & McIntyre, C.J., (2024). Chat GPT as a Lesson Plan Design and Development Assistant. London International Conference on Education (LICE) Call for Papers.




West Foundation External Grant. Amount $207,000 (Funded).Curry, D.L., (2024).MSU West Foundation Proposal for WCOE.

USPREP External Grant. Amount $276,609. (approved, waiting to fund in August 2024). Capps, M. & Curry, D.L. (2024). Residency Program Development for WCOE.

West Foundation External Grant. Amount $208,800 (funded).Curry, D.L., (2022).MSU West Foundation Proposal for WCOE.

West Foundation External Grant. Amount $208,733.96 (funded).Capps, M. & Curry, D.L., (2021).MSU West Foundation Proposal for WCOE.

EC-3 TEC-3 Texas Affordable Baccalaureate (TAB) Marketing and Recruitment Grant Recipient. Amount $30,000 (funded). Capps, M. & Curry, D.L., (2021-2022). EC-3 CBE Program Development. Texas Higher Education Foundation.

EC-3 TAB Program Grant Recipient. Amount $175,000 (funded). Capps, M. & Curry, D.L., (2019-2020). EC-3 CBE Program Development. Texas Higher Education Foundation.

Midwestern State University Intramural Research and Creative Endeavor Grant. Amount $960.00 (funded). McIntyre, C.J. Reeves, E., Curry, D. L. (2019/2020). Project Title: The Effects of Literature Circles on Teacher Efficacy, Empathy, and Professional Responsibility.

Out of the Gate: Teacher Education Program-District Partnerships for High Quality Project Based Learning Grant Submission. Amount Professional Development Services and research/evaluation estimated at $100,000 (unfunded). Lindt, S.,Miller, S.,Moore, M., Curry, D. (2018) Buck Institute for Education.

Raise Your Hand Texas Grant Submission. Amount $320,000(unfunded).

Curry, D.L., Capps, M. & Blacklock, P. (2017). Raising Texas Teachers

West Foundation Grant Award recipient. Amount $5,000. Reeves, E. Curry, D.L., & McIntyre, C. (2016). Tablet-Based Pre-Service Teacher Evaluations.

Midwestern State University Internal Grant Award recipient. Amount $600.00. Lynskey, A.C. & Curry, D.L. (2015). Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Professional Development Schools

West Foundation Grant Award recipient. Amount $43,400 Blacklock, J., & Curry, D.L. (2014). West College of Education and Professional Development Schools: A Collaborative for Improving Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Practice, Student Learning, and Research Opportunities.

Midwestern State University Internal Grant Award recipient. Amount $5000.00 Blacklock, J., & Curry, D.L. (2012). School Culture: Comparing Professional Learning Community Characteristics between Professional Development and Non-Professional Development Schools.



Refereed International Presentations


Kureethara-Manuel, A., McIntyre, C.J., Reeves, E., & Curry, D.L. (April 2021). A study on the effects of hybrid methods in a teacher education course. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Annual Conference (SITE). Virtual Conference.

Blacklock, P.J., Curry, D.L., & Lilienthal, L.K. (2017). Reflective Practice: Using Google Drive to Improve the Quality of Learning during Clinical Teaching. Research poster presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (SITE). March 2017. Austin, TX.

Curry, D.L., Reeves, E., McIntyre, C.J., & Gupta, D. (2017). Taking Sheltered Instruction Digital: A Review of Classroom Technologies that Support ELL students. Research paper presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (SITE). March 2017. Austin, TX.

Lilienthal, L.K., Blacklock, P.J., Curry, D.L. (2017). Using Signup Genius to Assist with Teacher Education Student Communication and Scheduling. Research paper presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (SITE). March 2017. Austin, TX.

Graves, E., Blacklock, P.J., & Blacklock, P.J. (2016). The Impact of Videotaped Teaching and Shared Practice on Reflective Practices and Perceptions of Preservice Teachers. Paper presented at the OTEL, International Literacy Association (ILA) Conference. July 2016. Boston, MA.

Curry, D.L. Blacklock, P.J., Graves, E. & Lilienthal, L.K. (2016).Reflective Thinking Practices of Preservice Teachers: The Role of Videotaped Teaching and Shared Practice Protocols. Research Poster presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (SITE). March 2016. Savannah, GA.

Curry, D.L., Lilienthal, L.K., & Blacklock, P.J. (2015).The Impact of Videotaped Teaching on Reflective Practices of Preservice Teachers. Research poster presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (SITE). March 2015. Las Vegas, NV.

Lilienthal, L.K. & Curry, D.L. (2015). Using Children’s Literature and Digital Storytelling to Engage Preservice Teachers in the Creative Writing Process. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (SITE). March 2015. Las Vegas, NV.

Lilienthal, L.K. & Curry, D.L. (2014). Supporting Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Learning when Teaching Online Reading Courses. Paper presented at the International Reading Association National Conference (IRA). May 2014. New Orleans, LA.

Curry, D.L. & Lilienthal, L.K. (2013). The Impact of Home Digital Literacy Practices on Emergent Literacy Skills. Paper presented at the International Reading Association Conference (IRA). April 2013. San Antonio, TX.

Lilienthal, L.K., Curry, D.L., & Estrada, A. (2012). Using Running Records with Older Students. Paper presented at the International Reading Association Conference (IRA). April 2012. Chicago, IL.

Curry, D.L., Estrada, A., Lilienthal, L.K. (2011). An Exploration of Shared Reading Interactions between Mother and Child. Paper presented at the International Reading Association Conference (IRA). April 2011. Orlando, FL.

Lilienthal, L.K., Curry, D.L., & Estrada, A. (2010). Using Digital Story Creation to Engage Preservice Teachers in Children’s Literature. Paper presented at the International Reading Association National Conference (IRA). April 2010. Chicago, IL.

Curry, D.L., Estrada, A., & Lilienthal, L.K. (2009). Using Electronic Storybooks to Facilitate Optimal Language Development. Paper presented at the International Reading Association Conference (IRA). May 2009. Minneapolis, MN.

Curry, D.L. & Estrada, A. (2008). Facilitating Language Development and Family/School Relationships through Story Book Reading. Paper presented at the International Reading Association Conference (IRA). May 2008. Atlanta, GA.

Curry, D.L. & Kitchen, M. (2008). Facilitating Language Development and Family/School Relationships through Electronic Story Books. Research poster presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (SITE). March 2008. Las Vegas, NV.

Curry, D.L. & Estrada, A. (2007). The Effects of Literature Circles on Teacher Efficacy, Empathy, and Professional Responsibility. Paper presented at the International Reading Association International Conference (IRA). May 2007. Toronto, Canada.

Curry, D.L., Estrada, A., & Kitchen, M. (2007). The Impact of Web Communities and Online Literature Circles on Teacher Efficacy. Research poster presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (SITE). March 2007. San Antonio, TX.

Stange, T.V., Estrada, A., Curry, D.L. (2006). Profiling and Positively Altering Pre-service Teacher Reading Affect. Research Presentation. Paper presented at the International Reading Association National Conference (IRA). May 2006. Chicago, IL.

Stange, T.V., Estrada, A., Curry, D.L. (2005). Profiling Teacher Reading Attitudes and Interests. Paper presented at the International Reading Association Conference (IRA). May 2005. San Antonio, TX.

Refereed National Presentations

Reeves, E.K.., Wickard, C.J., & Curry, D.L. (March 2024-Accepted, but not presented). Using PDS Partner Feedback to Examine the Efficacy of EPP Program Requirements. National Association for School and University Partnerships. Conference (NASUP). Anaheim, CA.  

Reeves, E.K.., McIntyre, C.J., & Curry, D.L. (March 2023). Using PDS Partner Feedback to Examine the Efficacy of EPP Program Requirements.. National Association of Professional Development Schools. Virtual Conference (NAPDS). Chicago, IL.

Reeves, E., McIntyre, C.J., & Curry, D.L. (February 2022). EdTPA Action Research. National Association of Professional Development Schools. Virtual Conference (NAPDS). Chicago, IL.

Reeves, E., McIntyre, C.J., Moore, M. & Curry, D.L. (March 2021). Go-React Video Annotation to Support Pre-Service Teacher Reflective Thinking. National Association of Professional Development Schools. Virtual Conference (NAPDS).


Reeves, E.K, McIntyre, C.J., & Curry, D.L. (February 2020) Hybrid Methods Course Model for Pre-Service Teacher Education: Implementation and Evidence from the Field. National Association of Professional Development Schools Annual Conference (NAPDS). Atlantic City, NJ.

Miller, S., Reeves, E., Dorman, K., Curry, D.L. (2019). Should Methods Courses be Hybrid to Maximize the Time Preservice Teachers Have in the Field? Paper accepted at the National Association of Professional Development Schools National Conference (NAPDS). March 2019. Atlanta, GA.

Miller, S., Reeves, E., Dorman, K., Curry, D.L. (2018). The Kinesthetic Classroom: A collaborative for Improving Classroom Instruction, Differentiation, and Classroom Engagement. Paper presented at the National Association of Professional Development Schools National Conference (NAPDS). March 2018. Jacksonville, FL.

Blacklock, P.J., Curry, D.L., McIntyre, C.J., Reeves, E., & Waddell, C. (2018). PDS University and School Faculty Quality Traits that Impact Student Learning. Paper presented at the National Association of Professional Development Schools National Conference (NAPDS). March 2018. Jacksonville, FL.

Blacklock, P.J., Curry, D.L., & Kureethara-Manuel, A. (2018). We’ve Collected Dispositional Data, Now What? Session presented at the Association of Teacher Educators National Conference (ATE). February 2018. Las Vegas, NV.

Reeves, E., Cartwright, A., & Curry, D.L. (2018). Strengthening Culturally Responsive Teaching through Existing Professional Development School Partnerships. Research presented at the Association of Teacher Educators National Conference (ATE). February 2018. Las Vegas, NV.

Gupta, D. & Curry, L. (2017). Integrating Children’s Literature in elementary math Methods: Fostering understandings and Connections. Presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA). April 2017. San Antonio, TX.

Curry, D.L., Reeves, E., & McIntyre, C.J. (2017). The Effects of Literature Circles on Teacher Efficacy, Empathy, and Professional Responsibility in PDS. Paper presented at the National Association of Professional Development Schools National Conference (NAPDS). March 2017. Washington, D.C.

Reeves, E., Curry, D.L., McIntyre, C.J & Cartwright, A.M. (2017) Staying Current with State Evaluation Systems and Expectations through Electronic Observations. Paper presented at the National Association of Professional Development Schools National Conference (NAPDS). March 2017. Washington, D.C.

Blacklock, P.J. & Curry, D.L. (2017). Champs: Effective Classroom Management Practices for Yesterday’s, Today’s and Tomorrow’s Ever-Changing Classrooms. Paper presented at the Association of Teacher Educators National Conference (ATE). February 2017. Orlando, FL.

Blacklock, P.J. & Curry, L. (2016). A Case Study: Professional Learning Community Characteristics in Selected Professional Development Schools. Research presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA). April 2016. Washington, DC.

Curry, D.L., Blacklock, P.J., Graves, E., & Ash, A. (2016). Using Videotaped Teaching and Shared Practice to Increase Reflective Thought of Pre-Service Teachers. Paper presented at the National Association of Professional Development Schools National Conference (NAPDS). March 2016. Washington, D.C.

Graves, E., Cartwright, A., Curry, D.L., & Waddell, C. (2016). Strengthening Culturally Responsive Teaching through Existing Professional Development School Partnerships. Research presented at the National Association of Professional Development Schools National Conference (NAPDS). March 2016. Washington, D.C.

Blacklock, P.J. & Curry, D.L. (2016). Successful PLC Practices Impacting Student Achievement within a Culture of High Stakes Accountability. Paper presented at the Association of Teacher Educators National Conference (ATE). February 2016. Chicago, IL.

Blacklock, P.J. & Curry, D.L. (2014). School Culture: Comparing Professional Learning Community Characteristics between Professional Development and Non-Professional Development Schools. Paper presented at the Association of Teacher Educators National Conference (ATE). February 2014. Phoenix, AZ.

Curry, D.L, Estrada, A., & Kitchen, M. (2007). Connecting Pre-Service Teachers to Critical Issues through Multicultural Literature and Online Literature Circles. Paper presented at the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE). February 2007. San Jose, CA.

Curry, D.L, Estrada, A., & Kitchen, M. (2006). Ties That Bind: Linking Families and Schools. Workshop presented at the National Association for Bilingual Education National Conference (NABE). January 2006. Phoenix, AZ.

Local, State, and Regional Presentations

Acuna, K. & Curry, D.L. (April 2024). Change as a Mechanism for Opportunity and Growth. Presentation at the Texas Women in Higher Education (TWHE) Conference. Corpus Christi, TX.


Acuna, K. & Curry, D.L. (April 2024). Invited Guest Speaker. Texas Women in Higher Education MSU Meeting. Wichita Falls, TX.


Curry, D.L. (February 2024). Using AI for Lesson Planning. Invited Keynote at the South Central Area Network of School-University Partnerships (SCAN SUP) winter conference.


Curry, D.L.,  Wickard, C.J., & Reeves-Fyfe, E. (February 2024). Integration of Chat GPT in Lesson Planning and Development for Pre-Service Teachers. Research presented at the South Central Area Network of School-University Partnerships (SCAN SUP) winter conference.


Wickard, C.J., Reeves, E., & Curry, D.L. (February 2024). Potential Pre-Service Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions of Teacher Burnout. Southwest Educational Research Association Conference (SERA). Arlington, TX.


Curry, D.L. (November 2023). Invited Guest Speaker. Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society (KDP) Initiation. Wichita Falls, TX.


Curry, D.L. (November 2023). Invited Guest Speaker. Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE) Area 7 Conference. Wichita Falls, TX.

Reeves, E.K., McIntyre, C.J., & Curry, D.L. (January 2023). The Efficacy of EPP Program Requirements in the PDS Setting. South Central Network of Professional Development Schools. Waco, TX.

McIntyre, C.J., Reeves, E., Curry, D.L., & Kureethara-Manuel, A. (February 2021). Hybrid Methods Course Model: Evidence from the Field. Southwest Educational Research Association Conference (SERA). Virtual Conference.


Reeves, E., McIntyre, C.J., & Curry, D.L. (February 2021). Developing Pre-Service Reflective Thinking Using Go-React. Southwest Educational Research Association Conference (SERA). Virtual Conference.

McIntyre, C.J., Curry, D.L., & Reeves, E. (2019). Do Teacher Credentials Impact Student Achievement? Paper presented at the Southwest Educational Research Association Regional Conference (SERA). February 2019. San Antonio, TX.

Curry, D.L., McIntyre, C.J., & Reeves, E. (2018). Developing Culturally Responsive Pre-Service Teachers with Online Literature Circles. Paper presented at the Southwest Educational Research Association Regional Conference (SERA). February 2018. New Orleans, LA.

Reeves, E., Cartwright, A., Curry, D.L., & McIntyre, C.J. (2017). Using TTESS to Facilitate Pre-Service Teacher Reflections. Research presentation at the Midwestern State University Celebration of Scholarship. April 2017. Wichita Falls, TX.

Reeves, E., McIntyre, C.J., Curry, D.L., & Cartwright, A. (2017). Electronic Observations: Using Real Data to Promote Reflection and Continuously Improve Programs. Paper presented at the Southwest Educational Research Association Regional Conference (SERA). February 2017. New Orleans, LA.

Graves, E., Lynsky, A., & Curry, D.L. (2016). Strengthening Culturally Responsive Teaching through Existing Professional Development School Partnerships. Paper presented at the Southwest Educational Research Association Regional Conference (SERA). February 2016. New Orleans, LA.

Blacklock, P.J. & Curry, D.L. (2014). School Culture: Comparing Professional Learning Community Characteristics between Professional Development and Non-Professional Development Schools. Research presented at the Midwestern State University Scholarship Colloquium. April 2014. Wichita Falls, TX.

Curry, D.L., Estrada, A., Kitchen, M., & Stange, T.V. (2006). The Literacy Connection: Linking Families and Schools. Workshop presented at the Southwest Regional International Reading Association Conference (IRA). February 2006. Albuquerque, NM.


History of Early Childhood Education. Paper presented at University of North Texas Doctoral Cohort. June 2004. Denton, TX.

The Wonderful World of Tedd Arnold. Workshop presented at the Texas Association for the Improvement of Reading (TAIR). February 2004. Wichita Falls, TX.


Research Presentations with Undergraduate Students

Worman, R. (April 2023). Impact on Student Learning Data Literacy. Poster presentation at the spring 2023 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Forum at MSU in Wichita Falls, TX. Faculty Mentor for the project.

Green, J. (April 2022). Exploring Embedded Course Research and Creative Activities at Small, Public, Liberal-Arts University in Texas. Poster presented at the Virtual National Conference on Undergraduate Education. Faculty Mentor for the project.

Green, J. (October 2021). Exploring Embedded Course Research and Creative Activities at Midwestern State University. Poster presented at the Enhancing Undergraduate Research Endeavors & Creative Activities (EURECA) Posters on the Go at MSU in Wichita Falls, TX. Faculty Mentor for the project.

Lord, K. (April 2021). Preparing for diversity and differentiation: Systematic and explicit planning. Poster presentation at the spring 2021 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Forum at MSU in Wichita Falls, TX. Virtual Conference. Faculty Mentor for the project.

Sport, S. (April 2021). Constructed response support for pre-service teachers meeting Texas requirements. Poster presentation at the spring 2021 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Forum at MSU in Wichita Falls, TX. Virtual Conference. Faculty Mentor for the project.


Box, M. (March 2021). Effects of literature circles on teacher efficacy, empathy and professional responsibility. Poster presentation at the Louisiana State University Shreveport Scholars Forum. Virtual Conference. Shreveport, LA.

Box, M. (April 2020). Effects of Literature Circles on Teacher Efficacy, Empathy, and Professional Responsibility. Poster presentation at the spring 2020 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Forum at MSU in Wichita Falls, TX. Faculty Mentor for the project.

Alfert, C. (April, 2019). Three Phase Teacher Success Strategy Training Program: Persona Development, Entrepreneur Skills, and Emotional Labors-Phase 2. Oral research presentation at the spring 2019 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Forum at MSU in Wichita Falls, TX. Faculty Mentor for the project.

Alfert, C. (November, 2018). Three Phase Teacher Success Strategy Training Program: Persona Development, Entrepreneur Skills, and Organizational Administrative Skills-Phase 1. Oral research presentation at the fall 2018 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Forum at MSU in Wichita Falls, TX. Faculty Mentor for the project.

Blacklock, P.J., Bussue, N., & Curry, D.L. (2018). Co-Teaching Model: Making a Difference for Teaching and Learning. Paper presented at the Association of Teacher Educators National Conference (ATE). February 2018. Las Vegas, NV.

Bussue, N. (November, 2017). Co-Teaching Model: Making a Difference for Teaching and Learning. Oral research presentation at the fall 2017 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Forum at MSU in Wichita Falls, TX. Faculty Mentor for the project.

Dougherty, A. (April,, 2017). Developing Culturally Responsive Pre-Service Teachers with Online Literature Circles. Poster presentation at the spring 2017 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Forum at MSU in Wichita Falls, TX. Faculty Mentor for the project.


Anderson, N. (November, 2016). Effects of D2L Literature Circles on Teacher Efficacy. Poster presentation at the spring 2017 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Forum at MSU in Wichita Falls, TX. Faculty Mentor for the project.


Brown, B. & Johnson, M. (November, 2016). Reflective Practice: Impacting the Quality of Learning Experiences during Clinical Teaching. Poster presentation at the fall 2016 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Forum at MSU in Wichita Falls, TX. Faculty Mentor for the project.


Brady, M. (April, 2016). Reflective Thinking Practices of Pre-service Teachers: The Role of Videotaped Teaching and Shared Practice Protocols. Poster presentation at the spring 2016 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Forum at MSU in Wichita Falls, TX. Faculty Mentor for the project.


Barona, Kevin. (November, 2015). Reflective Practices of Pre-Service Teachers Using Video Analysis. Poster presentation at the spring 2016 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Forum at MSU in Wichita Falls, TX. Faculty Mentor for the project.