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Dr. Isaac Zvi Christiansen

Associate Professor
O'Donohoe Hall


Isaac Christiansen is an associate professor in MSU's Department of Sociology, Texas. He conducts research on health inequalities, sociology of development, and other issues related to Marxist political economy and sociology. As a Marxist sociologist, he is very interested in studying socialist development models, the generation of economic crises under capitalism, and imperialism. His work has been published in World Review of Political Economy, International Critical Thought, The International Journal of Cuban Studies, and The Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis.

Institution Degree Graduation Date
Iowa State University Ph.D. in Sociology 2015
Iowa State University M.S. 2010
Drake University B.A. 2000
Employer Position Start Date End Date
Midwestern State University Assistant Professor 08/01/2017
DMACC Adjunct Instructor 01/01/2017 05/01/2017
Grandview Adjunct Instructor 03/01/2016 05/01/2016
Iowa State University Graduate Teaching Assistant Spanish 01/01/2014 05/01/2015
Iowa State University Sociology Instructor (Assistantship) 01/01/2013 05/01/2013
Grand View University Adjunct Instructor 08/01/2011 05/01/2012
Iowa State University Research Assistant 01/01/2011 08/01/2011
DMACC Adjunct Instructor 08/01/2010 12/01/2010
Iowa State University Research Assistant 06/01/2009 08/01/2009
Iowa State University Teaching Assistant 08/01/2008 12/01/2009
The Principal Financial Group Investor Specialist II 08/01/2004 08/01/2008
Peace Corps Peace Corps Volunteer 07/01/2003 05/01/2004
Employee and Family Resources Male Responsibility Project Educator 02/01/2002 03/01/2003

Introduction to Global Social Problems: Understanding Inequalities of Power and Social Justice

Routledge. Coming out in Spring/Summer 2025

Despilfarro Eficiente: Las Estrategias del Capitalismo de Contrarrestar la Sobreproducción

Nuestro Tiempo: Vol 25. Julio-Diciembre 2023.

Commodified Healthcare, Profits, Priorities and the Disregard for Life under Capitalism

Christiansen, Isaac. 2024. “Commodified Healthcare, Profits, Priorities and the Disregard for Life under Capitalism” Pp 223-233 in the Routledge Handbook for the Political Economy of Health and Healthcare. Routledge.

Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Equitable Development: A Look at the Thought of Cheng Enfu

Christiansen, Isaac and P. Mike Rattanasengchanh. 2023. “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Equitable Development: A Look at the Thought of Cheng Enfu” Deniz Kizilcec Editor. Pp 19-39 in Innovative Marxist School in China: Comments by International Scholars on Cheng Enfu’s Academic Thoughts. Canut International Publishers. Berlin.  

Linkages between Economic and Military Imperialism

Christiansen, Isaac. 2020. "Linkages between Economic and Military Imperialism". World Review of Political Economy. 11(3) 337-356.

Awareness of U.S. Empire and Militarist Ideology: A Survey of College Students from a Southwestern University in the United States

Christiansen, Isaac, Suheyl Gurbuz and Beverly Stiles. 2020. “Awareness of U.S. Empire and Militarist Ideology: A Survey of College Students from a Southwestern University in the United States” International Critical Thought. DOI:10.1080/21598282.2020.1744177 


Human Resources for Health and Health Outcomes in Cuba: An Analysis of their Distributions over Time and Space

Christiansen, Isaac and David Leonard. 2019. “Human Resources for Health and Health Outcomes in Cuba: An Analysis of their Distributions over Time and Space” International Journal of Cuban Studies. 11(2) 200-227


Health and Development Challenges: A Nested Typology of 123 Developing Countries

Christiansen, Isaac. 2019. “Health and Development Challenges: A Nested Typology of 123 Developing Countries” International Critical Thought. 9(2): 297-313


Accessibility and Health: An International Analysis of Government Expenditure, Socioeconomic Development and Infant Mortality

Christiansen, I. Z., & Mazur, R. 2018. "Accessibility and Health: An International Analysis of Government Expenditure, Socioeconomic Development and Infant Mortality". Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis, 7 (2). Retrieved from


Commodification of Health Care and Its Consequences

Christiansen, Isaac. 2017. “Commodification of Health Care and Its Consequences”. World Review of Political Economy.  Vol. 8 No. 1