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Dr. Jamie M. Chen

(940) 397 4362
Assistant Professor
Dillard College of Business Administration
Institution Degree Graduation Date
VU Amsterdam Ph.D. 2018
Beijing International Studies University M.M. 2011
Harbin University of Commerce B.M. 2007
Employer Position Start Date End Date
North Dakota State University Assistant Professor of Practice in Marketing 08/15/2021 08/15/2024

Assessing customer value

Neuts, B., Chen, J. M., & Nijkamp, P. (2016). Assessing customer value in segmented cruise markets. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (B), 20(3), 1-13.

Demand determinants

Chen, J. M., Neuts, B., Nijkamp, P., & Liu, J. (2016). Demand determinants of cruise tourists in competitive markets: Motivation, preference and intention. Tourism Economics (A, IF=4.4), 22(2), 227-253.

A regional analysis of willingness-to-pay

Chen, J. M., Zhang, J., & Nijkamp, P. (2016). A regional analysis of willingness-to-pay in Asian cruise markets. Tourism Economics (A, IF=4.4), 22(4), 809-824. 

Interpretation of cruise industry

Chen, J. M., Lijesen, M. G., & Nijkamp, P. (2017). Interpretation of cruise industry in a two-sided market context. Maritime Policy & Management (B, IF=3.5, finalist annual best paper), 44(6), 790-801. 

Itinerary planning

Chen, J. M., & Nijkamp, P. (2018). Itinerary planning: Modelling cruise lines lengths of stay in ports. International Journal of Hospitality Management (A*, IF=11.7), 73, 55-63.

A meta-analysis

Chen, J. M., Petrick, J. F., Papathanassis, A. A., & Li, X. (2019). A meta-analysis of the direct economic impacts of cruise on port communities. Tourism Management Perspectives (A, IF=8.7), 31, 209-218. 

Does inward FDI affect

Song, C., Shi, S., Chen, J. M., & Li, X. (2020). Does inward FDI affect outward FDI in China?. Tourism Economics (A, IF=4.4), 26(2), 344-349.

The influence of emigration

Song, C., Shi, S., Chen, J. M., Nijkamp, P., & Li, X. (2020). The influence of emigration on outward foreign direct investment. Journal of Travel Research (A*, IF=8.9), 59(4), 631-641. 

Travelers’ willingness to pay

Chen, J. M., De Groote, J., Petrick, J. F., Lu, T., & Nijkamp, P. (2020). Travelers willingness to pay and perceived value of time in ridesharing: An Experiment. Current Issues in Tourism (A, IF=8.0), 23(23), 2972-2985.

Decision-making in cruise operations

Chen, J. M., Petrick, J. F., MacKay, K., & Nijkamp, P. (2020). Decision-making in cruise operations management: A double-hurdle approach. Research in Transportation Business & Management (C, IF=4.8), 37, 100524.

Mediating and moderating effects

Song, H., Chen, J. M., & Chen, Y. (2021). Mediating and moderating effects in golf tourism: Evidence from Hainan Island. Tourism Economics (A, IF=4.4), 27(3), 510-526.

Modeling golfers’ revisit intention

Song, H., Chen, J. M., & Zeng, T. (2022). Modeling golfers revisit intention: An application of the theory of reasoned action. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (A, IF=4.2), 46(8), 1652-1673. 

Outward FDI

Song, C., Chen, J. M., Nijkamp, P., & Li, X. (2022). Outward FDI in China hotel industry: An inward FDI perspective. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (A, IF=7.6), 52, 228-240. 

Threshold effect

Liu, J., Chen, J. M., Petrick, J. F., & Nijkamp, P. (2023). Threshold effect of tourism density on urban livability. Annals of Regional Science (B, IF=1.7), 70, 315-331. 

Which public attraction

Liu, J., Zou, S., & Chen, J. M. (2023). Which public attraction gets (and gets more) government funding? The effects of internal and external factors. Journal of Travel Research (A*, IF=8.9), 62(5), 1105-1120. 

Female visitors’ behavioral intention

Chen, J. M., Song, H., Zeng, W., & Ren, L. (2023). Female visitors behavioral intention to the Shanghai exhibition: An application of cognitive appraisal theory. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior (B), 36(1), 46-63. 

A comparison study on behavioral intention

Song, H., Chen, J. M., Rao, X., & Wu, M. (2024). A comparison study on behavioral intention of marathon runners in China and the United States. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism (B, IF=3.3).

COVID-19 Impacts

Song, H., Zeng, W., Chen, J. M., & Ma, E. (2024). COVID-19 Impacts on the Sustainable Development of Spatial Network of Urban Tourism. Sustainability (IF=3.9), 16(8), 3162. 

Exploring the attitudes and behavioral

Song, H., Zeng, W., Chen, J. M., & Hsu, M. (2024). Exploring the attitudes and behavioral intentions of marathon racers: A cross-national inquiry. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (A, IF=5.0).

The valuation of urban ecosystem services

Ma, Y., Chen, J. M., & Rao, X. (2024). The valuation of urban ecosystem services. The World of Regional Science (book chapter).