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- Title
- Associate Professor
- Department
- Political Science
- Location
- O'Donohoe Hall
- Room
- 203
- Bio
Juheon Lee is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science. He teaches American Government, Asian Politics, Environmental Politics, and Research Methods. His research focuses on environmental politics and disaster resilience, and his research work has appeared in interdisciplinary journals such as Scientific Reports, Environmental Sociology, and Disasters. He is actively engaged in undergraduate research and creative activities. Visit his personal website for his biography, an updated CV, and research/mentoring activities.
Other Positions
Institution | Degree | Graduation Date |
Northeastern University | PhD in Political Science | 2019 |
State University of New York at Albany | Master's in Political Science | 2014 |
Seoul National University | Master's in International Studies | 2012 |
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies | Bachelor's in Chinese & Business Administration | 2007 |
Employer | Position | Start Date | End Date |
Midwestern State University | Associate Professor | 09/01/2024 | |
Midwestern State University | Assistant Professor | 09/01/2020 | 08/31/2024 |
Lafayette College | Visiting Assistant Professor | 07/01/2019 | 06/30/2020 |
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. | Visual Display Global Marketing Team | 01/01/2007 | 02/01/2010 |
Peer-Reviewed Articles (* indicates student co-authored publication)
- *Sexist beliefs and participation in the 2016 Presidential Election: Evidence from the General Social Survey, Sociological Focus. 2024
- *Political efficacy and perceived influence of rural and urban residents, Politics & Policy. 2024
- *Government performance, political trust, and satisfaction with democracy in Venezuela, 2016-2017, Latin American Policy. 2023.
- Social capital building interventions and self-reported post-disaster recovery in Ofunato, Japan, Scientific Reports. 2022.
- *Abortion Attitudes in American Society: Role of Sexism, Working Mother, and State Policies, Journal of Integrated Social Sciences. 2022
- Preparedness behaviors for natural hazards and their association with experiences, perceptions, and social engagement in Taiwanese society, Environmental Sociology. 2022.
- Voluntary associations and hazard preparedness behavior amongst Taiwanese individuals, Environmental Hazards. 2022.
- Policy responses to COVID-19 and discrimination against foreign nationals in South Korea, Critical Asian Studies. 2021.
- The social impact of natural hazards: A multilevel analysis of disasters and forms of trust in mainland China, Disasters. 2021.
- Waving Israeli flags at right-wing Christian rallies in South Korea, Journal of Contemporary Asia. 2021.
- Post-disaster trust in Japan: The social impact of the experiences and perceived risks of natural hazards, Environmental Hazards. 2020.
- Bonding versus bridging social capital and their associations with self-evaluated community resilience: A comparative study of East Asia, Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. 2020.
- Promoting majority culture and excluding external ethnic influences: China's strategy for the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List, Social Identities. 2020.
- Municipal-level determinants of suicide rates in South Korea: Exploring the role of social capital and local government policies, Journal of Asian Public Policy. 2020.
- How do natural hazards affect participation in voluntary associations? The social impacts of disasters in Japanese society, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2019.
- *Still a new democracy? Individual-level effects of social trust on political trust in South Korea, Asian Journal of Political Science. 2018.
- The impact of crime rate, experience of crime, and fear of crime on resident's participation in association: Studying 25 districts in the city of Seoul, South Korea, Crime Prevention & Community Safety. 2018.
Other Publications (* indicates student co-authored publication)
- *Colombia's 'Total Peace' and Climate Change, E-International Relations. 2023.
- Review of: How Social Infrastructure Saves Lives: A Quantitative Analysis of Japan's 3/11 Disasters, Qeios, 2022.
- Review of: Corralling a Chimera: A Critical Review of the Term Social Infrastructure, Qeios, 2022.
- Source Data for the Ibasho Project, Harvard Dataverse. 2022.
- Cooperation on non-traditional security for peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia, Korea Institute for National Unification Research Report. 21-8. 2021.
- Social ties, quarantine policy, and the spread of COVID-19, Natural Hazards Center Quick Response Report. QR 314. 2020.
- COVID-19 Community Assessment Survey, Harvard Dataverse. 2020.
- *Integration for the Central Asian Republics: the ASEAN example, E-International Relations. 2020.
- The social fallout from Pohang's man-made earthquake, The Diplomat (December 21, 2019).
Mentored Student Publications
- Recent Trends in International Environmental Agreements: Declining or What? Metamorphosis, 2022.
Appearance in Popular Media