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Dr. Nicholas Maxwell

Assistant Professor
O'Donohoe Hall


Nicholas Maxwell is an experimental psychologist whose research interests include memory, metacognition, and psycholinguistics. For more information:

Institution Degree Graduation Date
University of Southern Mississippi PhD 2022
Missouri State University M.S. 2018
Mississippi State University B.A. 2015
Employer Position Start Date End Date

Maxwell, N. P. (in press). Judgments of learning improve memory for word lists via enhanced item-specific encoding: Evidence from categorized, uncategorized, and DRM lists. Memory, X - XX. Available at:

Maxwell, N. P., Huff, M. J., & Namias, J. M. (2025). Predictive alternating runs and random task-switching sequences produce dissociative switch costs in the consonant-vowel/odd-even task. Cognitive Processing, 26, 157-170. Available at:

Maxwell, N. P., Huff, M. J., Hajnal, A., Namias, J. M., Blau, J. J. C., Day, B., Marsh, K. M., Meagher, B. M., Shelley-Tremblay, J. F., Thomas, G. F., & Wagman, J. B. (2024). Affordance norms for 2825 concrete nouns. Behavior Research Methods, 56, 8480-8491. Available at:

Maxwell, N. P., Cates, E. E., & Huff, M. J. (2024). Item-specific and relational encoding are effective at reducing the illusion of competence. Psychological Research, 88, 1023-1044. Available at:

Maxwell, N. P. & Huff, M. J. (2024). Judgment of learning reactivity reflects enhanced relational encoding on cued-recall but not recognition tests. Metacognition and Learning, 19(1), 189-213. Available at:

Maxwell, N. P. & Huff, M. J. (2023). Is discriminability a requirement for reactivity? Comparing the effects of mixed vs. pure list presentations on judgment of learning reactivity. Memory & Cognition, 51(5), 1198 - 1213. Available at:

Huff, M.J., Maxwell, N. P., & Mitchell, A. (2022). Distinctive Sans Forgetica font does not benefit memory accuracy in the DRM paradigm. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 7(102), 1-12. Available at:

Maxwell, N. P., & Huff, M. J. (2022). Reactivity from judgments of learning is not only due to memory forecasting: Evidence from associative memory and frequency judgments. Metacognition and Learning, 17(2), 589-625. Available at:

Maxwell, N. P., Huff, M. J., & Buchanan, E. M. (2022). The lrd package: An R package and Shiny application for processing lexical response data. Behavior Research Methods 54(4), 2001-2024. Available at:

Maxwell, N. P., Perry, T., & Huff, M. J. (2022). Perceptually fluent features of study words do not inflate judgements of learning: Evidence from font size, highlights, and Sans Forgetica font type. Metacognition and Learning, 17(2), 293-319. Available at:

Namias, J. M., Huff, M. J., Smith, A., & Maxwell, N. P. (2022). Drawing individual images benefits recognition accuracy in the DRM paradigm. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 75(8), 1571-1582. Available at:

Maxwell, N. P. & Huff, M. J. (2021). The deceptive nature of associative word pairs: Effects of associative direction on judgments of learning. Psychological Research, 85, 1757-1775. Available at:

Maxwell, N. P. & Buchanan, E. M. (2020). Investigating the interaction of direct and indirect relation on memory judgments and retrieval. Cognitive Processing, 21(1), 41-53. Available at

Bowman, N. A., Miller, A., Woosley, S., Maxwell, N. P., & Kolze, M. J. (2019). Understanding the link between noncognitive attributes and college retention. Research in Higher Education 60(2), 135-152.

Buchanan, E. M., Valentine, K. D., & Maxwell, N. P. (2019). English semantic feature production norms: An extended database of 4,436 concepts. Behavior Research Methods, 51(4), 1849-1863. Available at:

Buchanan, E. M., Valentine, K. D., & Maxwell, N. P. (2019). LAB: Linguistic annotated bibliography - A Searchable portal for normed database information. Behavior Research Methods, 51(4), 1878 - 1888. Available at:

Pavlacic, J. M., Buchanan, E. M., Maxwell, N. P., Hopke, T., & Schulenberg, S. E. (2019). A meta-analysis of expressive writing on positive psychology variables and traumatic stress. Review of General Psychology, 23(2), 230-250.