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- Title
- Assistant Professor
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- Psychology
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- O'Donohoe Hall
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- 118
- Bio
Nicholas Maxwell is an experimental psychologist whose research interests include memory, metacognition, and psycholinguistics. For more information: https://npm27.github.io
Institution | Degree | Graduation Date |
University of Southern Mississippi | PhD | 2022 |
Missouri State University | M.S. | 2018 |
Mississippi State University | B.A. | 2015 |
Employer | Position | Start Date | End Date |
Maxwell, N. P. (in press). Judgments of learning improve memory for word lists via enhanced item-specific encoding: Evidence from categorized, uncategorized, and DRM lists. Memory, X - XX. Available at: https://osf.io/t453a/
Maxwell, N. P., Huff, M. J., & Namias, J. M. (2025). Predictive alternating runs and random task-switching sequences produce dissociative switch costs in the consonant-vowel/odd-even task. Cognitive Processing, 26, 157-170. Available at: https://osf.io/hzwc4/.
Maxwell, N. P., Huff, M. J., Hajnal, A., Namias, J. M., Blau, J. J. C., Day, B., Marsh, K. M., Meagher, B. M., Shelley-Tremblay, J. F., Thomas, G. F., & Wagman, J. B. (2024). Affordance norms for 2825 concrete nouns. Behavior Research Methods, 56, 8480-8491. Available at: https://osf.io/68bkt/
Maxwell, N. P., Cates, E. E., & Huff, M. J. (2024). Item-specific and relational encoding are effective at reducing the illusion of competence. Psychological Research, 88, 1023-1044. Available at: https://osf.io/x9n4f/
Maxwell, N. P. & Huff, M. J. (2024). Judgment of learning reactivity reflects enhanced relational encoding on cued-recall but not recognition tests. Metacognition and Learning, 19(1), 189-213. Available at: https://osf.io/mfbnz/.
Maxwell, N. P. & Huff, M. J. (2023). Is discriminability a requirement for reactivity? Comparing the effects of mixed vs. pure list presentations on judgment of learning reactivity. Memory & Cognition, 51(5), 1198 - 1213. Available at: https://osf.io/3fztn/
Huff, M.J., Maxwell, N. P., & Mitchell, A. (2022). Distinctive Sans Forgetica font does not benefit memory accuracy in the DRM paradigm. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 7(102), 1-12. Available at: https://osf.io/am5rb/
Maxwell, N. P., & Huff, M. J. (2022). Reactivity from judgments of learning is not only due to memory forecasting: Evidence from associative memory and frequency judgments. Metacognition and Learning, 17(2), 589-625. Available at: https://osf.io/8yvn3/
Maxwell, N. P., Huff, M. J., & Buchanan, E. M. (2022). The lrd package: An R package and Shiny application for processing lexical response data. Behavior Research Methods 54(4), 2001-2024. Available at: https://osf.io/admyx/
Maxwell, N. P., Perry, T., & Huff, M. J. (2022). Perceptually fluent features of study words do not inflate judgements of learning: Evidence from font size, highlights, and Sans Forgetica font type. Metacognition and Learning, 17(2), 293-319. Available at: https://osf.io/3xwdr/.
Namias, J. M., Huff, M. J., Smith, A., & Maxwell, N. P. (2022). Drawing individual images benefits recognition accuracy in the DRM paradigm. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 75(8), 1571-1582. Available at: https://osf.io/r4yh9/
Maxwell, N. P. & Huff, M. J. (2021). The deceptive nature of associative word pairs: Effects of associative direction on judgments of learning. Psychological Research, 85, 1757-1775. Available at: https://osf.io/hvdma/
Maxwell, N. P. & Buchanan, E. M. (2020). Investigating the interaction of direct and indirect relation on memory judgments and retrieval. Cognitive Processing, 21(1), 41-53. Available at https://osf.io/fcesn/
Bowman, N. A., Miller, A., Woosley, S., Maxwell, N. P., & Kolze, M. J. (2019). Understanding the link between noncognitive attributes and college retention. Research in Higher Education 60(2), 135-152.
Buchanan, E. M., Valentine, K. D., & Maxwell, N. P. (2019). English semantic feature production norms: An extended database of 4,436 concepts. Behavior Research Methods, 51(4), 1849-1863. Available at: https://osf.io/cjyzw/
Buchanan, E. M., Valentine, K. D., & Maxwell, N. P. (2019). LAB: Linguistic annotated bibliography - A Searchable portal for normed database information. Behavior Research Methods, 51(4), 1878 - 1888. Available at: https://osf.io/9bcws/
Pavlacic, J. M., Buchanan, E. M., Maxwell, N. P., Hopke, T., & Schulenberg, S. E. (2019). A meta-analysis of expressive writing on positive psychology variables and traumatic stress. Review of General Psychology, 23(2), 230-250.