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Dr. Todd Giles

Bea Wood Hall
Institution Degree Graduation Date
University of Kansas Doctorate in English 2010
Texas Tech University Master's in English 2004
Texas Tech University Bachelor's in English 1993
Employer Position Start Date End Date
MSU Texas Professor 08/15/2023
MSU Texas Associate Professor of English 08/15/2017 05/15/2023
MSU Texas Assistant Professor of English 08/15/2012 08/15/2017

Academic Publications

Articles / Chapters

"'theirs is a kind of ecological esthetics': Three Mountain Poems by Kenneth Rexroth, Gary Snyder, and Philip Whalen." Western American Literature: A Journal of Literary, Cultural, and Place Studies 57.3 (Fall 2022): 285-308.

"Of Coyotes and Werewolves: Bret Easton Ellis' Less than Zero." The Explicator 80.3-4 (July-Sept. 2022): 90-93.

"'Surface, surface, surface was all that anyone found meaning in': American Psycho and the Pictures Generation." Popular Culture Review 31.2 (Summer 2020): 131-153.

"Bryce Conrad, Made in the American Grain (1951-1917)." William Carlos Williams Review 35.1 (Jan. 2018): 1-9. 

"'The Young Person's Guide' to Moonrise Kingdom: Wes Anderson's Theme & Variations on a Theme and Variations of Benjamin Britten." Popular Culture Review 26.2 (Summer 2015): 41-54.

"'another old Buddhist monastery thing': The Misguided Zen of Fight Club." Popular Culture Review 26.1 (Winter 2015): 5-17.

"Entering the 'Gate of Nondualism': Gary Snyder's 'On Vulture Peak' and Mahayana Shunyata." Journal of Beat Studies 3 (2014): 47-68.

"'No Permanent Home': The Five Skandhas and Philip Whalen's 'The Slop Barrel.'" Philosophy and Literature 37.2 (Oct. 2013): 405-420. 

"'upsidedown like fools': Jack Kerouac's 'Desolation Blues' and the Struggle for Enlightenment." Texas Studies in Language and Literature 53.2 (Summer 2011): 179-206. 

"Whitman's 'Out from Behind this Mask.'" The Explicator 68.1 (Spring 2010): 23-25.

"Melville's 'Bartleby, the Scrivener.'" The Explicator 65.2 (Winter 2007): 88-90.

"Counterpoint, Memory, and Leitmotifs in Willa Cather's 'A Wagner Matinee.'" Willa Cather Newsletter and Review 51.2 (Fall 2007): 35-38.

"William Carlos Williams's 'The Rose is Obsolete.'" The Explicator 66.1 (Fall 2007): 21-25.

"Using Melville's 'Bartleby, the Scrivener' to Teach Deconstruction in the Introduction to Fiction Classroom." Eureka Studies in Teaching Short Fiction 27.2 (Spring 2007): 128-135.

"Writing and Chutnification in Rushdie's Midnight's Children." The Explicator 65.3 (Spring 2007): 182-185.

"'That Night We Had Our Show': Twain and Audience." Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Bloom's Modern Critical Editions. Ed. Harold Bloom. Chelsea House Publications, 2007. 193-201. 

"'That Night We Had Our Show': Twain and Audience." American Literary Realism 37.1 (2004): 50-58.

Edited Correspondence / Bibliographies 

"Fall 2009 to Fall 2014 William Carlos Williams Bibliography." William Carlos Williams Review 31.2 (Fall 2014): 89-98.

"Fall 2009 William Carlos Williams Bibliography." William Carlos Williams Review 29.2 (Fall 2009): 217-219.

"Fall 2007 William Carlos Williams Bibliography." William Carlos Williams Review 27.2 (Fall 2007): 107-111. 

"'It carries the battle forward': An Unpublished Letter from William Carlos Williams to Edwin J. Becker, Prisoner Poet." William Carlos Williams Review 27.1 (Spring 2007): 71-73.

"Fall 2006 William Carlos Williams Bibliography." William Carlos Williams Review 26.2 (Fall 2006): 105-108. 

"Introduction: A Decade of Books." William Carlos Williams Review 25.2 (Fall 2005): 1-3. 

"Comprehensive Williams Bibliography (1994-2004)." William Carlos Williams Review 25.2 (Fall 2005): 75-114. 

Book Reviews

Rev. of Crowded by Beauty: The Life and Zen of Poet Philip Whalen by David Schneider. Journal of the American Studies Association of Texas 46 (Nov. 2016): 60-61.

Rev. of Crowded by Beauty: The Life and Zen of Poet Philip Whalen by David Schneider. Journal of Beat Studies 4 (2015): 69-74. 

Rev. of Pilgrims to Elsewhere by Gregory Stephenson. Journal of Beat Studies 3 (2014): 119-124.

Rev. of White Liberal Identity, Literary Pedagogy, and Classic American Realism by Phillip Barrish. American Literary Realism 40.2 (Winter 2008): 186-188.

Rev. of Simon & Schuster's Hemingway Audio Collection. The Hemingway Review 26.1 (Nov./ Dec. 2006): 128-131.