Course : Fluid Mechanics
- Course Number
- MENG 3104
- Section Number
- 101
- Semester
- Fall 2024
- Location
- McCoy Engineering Hall, MY 136 & MY 123
- Professor
- Dr. Salim Azzouz
- Days & Times
- Final Exam Day/Time
- Monday, December 09, 2024 8:00 am - 10:00 am
- Curriculum Vitae
- Attachments
- Introduction
- Fluid Statics
- Elementary Fluid Dynamics
- Bernoulli Equation
- Fluid Kinematics
- Finite Control Volume Analysis
- Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow
- Dimensional Analysis, Similitude, and Modeling
- Viscous Flow in Pipes
The students are expected to master these learning objectives:
- Determine the dimensions and units of physical properties
- Calculate the hydrostatic pressure on a plane submerged surface
- Use Bernoulli equation to solve simple flow problems
- Identify various flow characteristics based on the velocity field
- Apply conservation of mass and energy and Newton’s second law of motion to the contents of a finite control volume to get important equations
- Determine various kinematic elements of the flow given the velocity field
- Apply the Buckingham Pi theorem
- Calculate losses in straight portions of pipes
- Write formal and informal engineering reports
- Work as a part of a team
MENG 2203 (Thermodynamics).
Basic computer skills, MS Excel, MS Word, hand calculator, simple data analysis.
Lecture Format
This fall 2024 semester, the Fluid Mechanics course is offered as a face-to face in class lecture at the McCoy School of Engineering. The lecture consists of three 50-minute sessions scheduled MWF. The lectures will be spent mostly explaining and discussing concepts presented in the textbook, and solving relevant case problems. The Lectures will not be used to communicate the entire textbook course content and thus, students will have to study a set of course paragraphs specified by the instructor on their own to further their understanding of the course materials.
The course instructor expects the students to show-up in-person for each class, class attendance will be checked at each session. The instructor expects the students to behave professionally and ethically throughout the duration of the course. After class starts, the use of cellphones, laptops, or any other electronic devices is strictly prohibited. Any student caught misbehaving in class, using foul language, making unethical written or verbal derogatory remarks about their classmates or the instructors, conducting private and/or loud conversations during class, working on anything that is not directly related to the course, playing, watching games or movies, drinking, eating or sleeping in class, leaving the class without the express permission of the instructor will result in heavy penalties for the student general grade. These measures are meant to keep the students focused on the taught materials. If the above infractions are continuously repeated by the student, the instructor will drop the student from class and labs for the rest of the semester. Not attending or arriving late repeatedly to scheduled lectures and labs may lead the instructor to drop the student from the course as well. Student participation in class discussions is highly recommended and rewarded.
There will be two regular exams plus a final one at the end of the semester. Each exam will have a set of textbook theoretical questions designed to test the studentsâ ability to acquire a self-reading knowledge of the taught materials. The exam has also a set of practical questions designed to test the studentsâ ability to think, analyze, and solve engineering problems. Each exam is based on the course materials taught before the first exam or between two consecutive exams. All exams will be in-class exams. Solutions for the exam should be written on the front side of the engineering paper or the blank sheets, not the backside. Exam solutions should be organized with the appropriate questions numbering, and neatly written. During the exam, each student is allowed to use a one single page course summary sheet, the textbook, the instructor notes, and a copy of their homework solutions. Any other document is strictly prohibited.
You are expected to take the exam on the scheduled date and time it is given. If for any exceptional or unforeseen reason, a student misses an exam, he will be asked to provide a valid and convincing proof on why he missed it. If the instructor accepts the proof and depending on his availability, the instructor will write a make-up exam that will be administered on an agreed date with the student. The make-up exam testing materials could be very different from the regular given exam. During the exam, it is strictly forbidden to use cell phones or any other electronic devices with the exception of a simple hand-calculator. All cellphones and other electronic devices will be collected at the beginning of the exam and restituted at the end of it.
Homework will be posted on D2L from a set of chosen chapters by the instructor or his teaching assistant. A mandatory homework template should be used by each student. The homework template is available on D2L. The students are required to upload the homework to a D2L Dropbox in a single PDF file format; no other formats will be accepted. Solutions of the homework should be uploaded with the appropriate homework questions sheet as a cover page, organized with the proper questions numbering, neatly and legibly written, follow the given template. Homework have to be turned-in on the due date specified on the homework questions sheet. Not turning homework will affect your attitude grade, late homework will be accepted until the end of the semester and graded with a maximum grade of 50%. Each student is responsible for submitting his own individual personal homework written in his own words. No dual or group homework copy is accepted unless specified by the instructor. Some homework will require the students to use the MATLAB software. The homework are graded as follow:
Perfect homework including detailed figures and calculations with the correct answers. Student showed a lot of personal effort in explaining the answers in writing and ingenuity in solving the homework, 90%-100%
Homework including many calculations with few mistakes and/or some missing items, the homework is missing some details. Student showed some personal effort to explain and complete the homework, 80%-89%
Homework incomplete, missing answers to some problems or questions, the copy is showing some wrong results, the copy is missing some explanation and detailed calculations, the homework is incomplete and superficial, no real efforts are shown by the student to complete the homework, 70%-79%
Homework totally incomplete, poorly written, missing many answers to problems and questions, most results are wrong, no efforts is showed by the student to complete the homework. The copy is lacking critical details, 50%-69%
Homework not uploaded to D2L, 0%
Lab Reports
Beside the weekly three hours lectures, two hours will be dedicated to lab experiments, result analysis, and lab reports. Lab reports are based on the materials studied in class, or presented during the lab sessions. Organized, neat Lab reports must be turned-in on the due date, at the beginning of class. Each group of students is responsible for submitting his own lab report in his own words. A student cannot add his name to a lab group of students if absent during that same lab. Labs are graded according to the grid listed in the below table. Students are encouraged to finish their lab and submit it during the lab session if possible.
Arriving late to the lab or quitting the lab session without the instructor authorization will be penalized on the general attitude grade of the student. For lab guidelines, contents, scheduling, and late submissions, the students are referred to the lab instructor: Dr. Mahmoud Elsharafi.
Course Grade
It is brought to the attention of the students that each one of them will be graded individually. There is strictly no collective grade for any of the listed graded items. The final grade for the course will be based on the scores earned in the three mandatory exams, the average score earned in the homework, the average score earned in lab reports, and the general student attitude grade. The first exam contributes 10%, the second exam contributes 25%, the third exam contributes 35%, homework average contribute 10%, lab reports average contributes 10%, and class participation, returned copies neatness, student behavior, attitude, and class attendance contribute 10%, for a total of 100%. The overall average score (X) for the course is determined as follows:
X = 0.10 x exam1 score + 0.25 x exam 2 score + 0.35 x Comprehensive exam score + 0.10 x (homework average score) + 0.10 x (lab report average score) + 0.10 x (participation/neatness/behavior/attitude/attendance scores/ethics).
The final letter grade for the course is based on the value of X and is determined from the following grade levels:
Value Range of X (in %)
Letter Grade
90 ⤠X ⤠100
80 ⤠X < 90
70 ⤠X < 80
60 ⤠X < 70
< 60
The course instructor expects the students to show-up in-person for each class, class attendance will be checked at each session. If the above attendance infractions are continuously repeated by the student, the instructor will drop the student from class and labs for the rest of the semester. Not attending or arriving late repeatedly to scheduled lectures and labs may lead the instructor to drop the student from the course as well.
Homework have to be turned-in on the due date specified on the homework questions sheet. Not turning homework will affect your attitude grade, late homework will be accepted until the end of the semester and graded with a maximum grade of 50%. Each student is responsible for submitting his own individual personal homework written in his own words. No dual or group homework copy is accepted unless specified by the instructor.
You are expected to take the exam on the scheduled date and time it is given. If for any exceptional or unforeseen reason, a student misses an exam, he will be asked to provide a valid and convincing proof on why he missed it. If the instructor accepts the proof and depending on his availability, the instructor will write a make-up exam that will be administered on an agreed date with the student. The make-up exam testing materials could be very different from the regular given exam.
Arriving late to the lab or quitting the lab session without the instructor authorization will be penalized on the general attitude grade of the student. For lab guidelines, contents, scheduling, and late submissions, the students are referred to the lab instructor: Dr. Mahmoud Elsharafi.
Note: You may not submit a paper for a grade in this class that already has been (or will be) submitted for a grade in another course, unless you obtain the explicit written permission of me and the other instructor involved in advance.
Plagiarism is the use of someone else's thoughts, words, ideas, or lines of argument in your own work without appropriate documentation (a parenthetical citation at the end and a listing in "Works Cited")-whether you use that material in a quote, paraphrase, or summary. It is a theft of intellectual property and will not be tolerated, whether intentional or not.
Student Honor Creed
As an MSU Student, I pledge not to lie, cheat, steal, or help anyone else do so."
As students at MSU, we recognize that any great society must be composed of empowered, responsible citizens. We also recognize universities play an important role in helping mold these responsible citizens. We believe students themselves play an important part in developing responsible citizenship by maintaining a community where integrity and honorable character are the norm, not the exception.
Thus, We, the Students of Midwestern State University, resolve to uphold the honor of the University by affirming our commitment to complete academic honesty. We resolve not only to be honest but also to hold our peers accountable for complete honesty in all university matters.
We consider it dishonest to ask for, give, or receive help in examinations or quizzes, to use any unauthorized material in examinations, or to present, as one's own, work or ideas which are not entirely one's own. We recognize that any instructor has the right to expect that all student work is honest, original work. We accept and acknowledge that responsibility for lying, cheating, stealing, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty fundamentally rests within each individual student.
We expect of ourselves academic integrity, personal professionalism, and ethical character. We appreciate steps taken by University officials to protect the honor of the University against any who would disgrace the MSU student body by violating the spirit of this creed.
Written and adopted by the 2002-2003 MSU Student Senate.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Disability Support Services in Room 168 of the Clark Student Center, (940) 397-4140.
The professor considers this classroom to be a place where you will be treated with respect as a human being - regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, political beliefs, age, or ability. Additionally, diversity of thought is appreciated and encouraged, provided you can agree to disagree. It is the professor's expectation that ALL students consider the classroom a safe environment.
All instructors in the Department have voicemail in their offices and MSUTexas e-mail addresses. Make sure you add your instructor's phone number and e-mail address to both email and cell phone lists of contacts.
Obligation to Report Sex Discrimination under State and Federal Law
Midwestern State University is committed to providing and strengthening an educational, working, and living environment where students, faculty, staff, and visitors are free from sex discrimination of any kind. State and federal law require University employees to report sex discrimination and sexual misconduct to the University’s Office of Title IX. As a faculty member, I am required to report to the Title IX Coordinator any allegations, personally observed behavior, or other direct or indirect knowledge of conduct that reasonably may constitute sex discrimination or sexual misconduct, which includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, or stalking, involving a student or employee. After a report is made, the office of Title IX will reach out to the affected student or employee in an effort to connect such person(s) with resources and options in addressing the allegations made in the report. You are also encouraged to report any incidents to the office of Title IX. You may do so by contacting:
Laura Hetrick
Title IX Coordinator
Sunwatcher Village Clubhouse
940-397-4213You may also file an online report 24/7 at Maxient
Should you wish to visit with someone about your experience in confidence, you may contact the MSU Counseling Center at 940-397-4618. For more information on the University’s policy on Title IX or sexual misconduct, please visit MSU Texas Title IX
Senate Bill 11 passed by the 84th Texas Legislature allows licensed handgun holders to carry concealed handguns on campus, effective August 1, 2016. Areas excluded from concealed carry are appropriately marked, in accordance with state law. For more information regarding campus carry, please refer to the University’s webpage at https://msutexas.edu/campus-carry/rules-policies.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact MSU Chief of Police at police@msutexas.edu.