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Course : Field and Studio Media Production

Course Number
Section Number
Spring 2022
Fain Fine Arts Center, D101
Days & Times
Final Exam Day/Time
Tuesday, April 26, 2022 8:00 am - 10:00 am

Required Materials: 32GB SD Card, Write Speed of 50mb/s minimum, Class 10 (These can be bought on Amazon for $20)


Recommended Text:  Television Production Handbook (12th ed.), Herbert Zettl, 2014


COURSE DESCRIPTION: An intermediate field and studio television production course featuring planning, producing, and skill development for narrative and journalistic video production. Students are exposed to the terminology, equipment, roles and situations of the television production process. Students in Television Production will produce two television programs as major projects near the middle and end of the course. These assignments require the student to utilize the basic television production skills taught in the course.


COURSE OBJECTIVES: Basic Television Production is designed to provide the student with a working proficiency and understanding of:

1.     The basic terminology of television production.

2.     The basic layout and operation of a television production facility.

3.     The proper operation of lighting equipment, studio equipment, video recording & editing, studio cameras and other tools associated with basic studio productions.

4.     Individual roles and teamwork in the television production process.

5.     The production process itself from the conceptualization stage through scripting, storyboards, production and post-production editing/packaging.

6.     Basic aesthetic principles as applied to television.

7.     The basic process of communicating in a visual medium.


Course Activities:  This class will consist of lectures, in and out of class screenings, and audio/video projects.


Course Materials and Readings: In addition to the recommended chapters in the text, a number of current articles will be distributed, usually via D2L (these will be required readings).




Attendance: Each student will be allowed 2 absences for any reason. If you are to be absent on the date a project is due, you must still turn your project in to me on time.  Beyond these two absences, the student will lose 10% of their final semester grade for any absences for any reason that is not university approved.



Course Conduct: Classroom behavior should not interfere with the instructor’s ability to conduct the class or the ability of other students to learn from the instructional program. Unacceptable or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Students who disrupt the learning environment may be asked to leave class and may be subject to judicial, academic or other penalties. This prohibition applies to all instructional forums, including electronic, classroom, labs, discussion groups, field trips, etc. The instructor shall have full discretion over what behavior is appropriate/inappropriate in the classroom.  


Academic Integrity: Academic integrity is a responsibility of all university faculty and students.  Faculty members promote academic integrity in multiple ways including instruction on the components of academic honesty, as well as abiding by university policy on penalties for cheating and plagiarism.


Plagiarism: Academic dishonesty includes both cheating and plagiarism.  Cheating includes but is not limited to (1) using or attempting to use unauthorized materials to aid in achieving a better grade on a component of a class; (2) the falsification or invention of any information, including citations, on an assigned exercise; and/or (3) helping or attempting to help another in an act of cheating or plagiarism.  Plagiarism is presenting the words or ideas of another person as if they were your own.  Examples of plagiarism are (1) submitting an assignment as if it were one’s own work when, in fact, it is at least partly the work of another; (2) submitting a work that has been purchased or otherwise obtained from an Internet source or another source; and (3) incorporating the words or ideas of an author into one’s paper without giving the author due credit. Any writing that is not the work of you or your group members is plagiarism.  Students in this course are expected to adhere to the MSU Student Honor Code.  



Withheld Grades/Semester Grades Policy: Ordinarily, at the discretion of the instructor of record and with the approval of the academic chair/director, a grade of WH will be assigned only if the student cannot complete the course work because of unavoidable circumstances. Students must complete the work within one calendar year from the end of the semester in which they receive a WH, or the grade automatically becomes an F. If students register for the same course in future terms the WH will automatically become an F and will be counted as a repeated course for the purpose of computing the grade point average.


Senior Portfolio Requirement: Please note that all mass communication majors are required to submit a portfolio as part of their Internship course (Internship is a prerequisite to Senior Production). This requirement is a part of MSU¹s reaccreditation with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and is non-negotiable.  Through the portfolio, students are required to demonstrate communication competence through the written word and visual communication; two examples of each competency are required.


As you go through this and other classes, you are responsible for saving course work that could be included in your senior portfolio.


Please see me, your adviser, the department chair or any mass communication faculty member for handouts with more information ("Mass Communication Portfolio Competencies" and "Mass Communication Portfolio FAQ"). These handouts are also available on our department web page:


Privacy: Federal Privacy Law prohibits me from releasing information about students to certain parties outside the university. Thus, in almost all cases I will only discuss your grades and other academic matters with you. Do not have your parents call me! You’re college students and will be treated as such. Also, I will only correspond with you via email if your name is in the email address.


Disability Support: Please inform me if you are a student with a disability and need accommodation in this class. Students with a disability must be registered with Disability Support Services before classroom accommodation can be provided. MSU provides students with documented disabilities academic accommodation (Disability Support Services, Clark Student Center, Room 168).


Final Caveat: The professor reserves the right to change any part of this syllabus for any reason.

Sufficient notice will be given to students if changes to the syllabus are deemed necessary





Productions: Each student will complete a variety of single and team productions designed to give a hands-on study of field production techniques including: short documentaries, interview projects, multitrack audio editing, news packages, and event/performance based projects. Talent: Students will have the option of becoming on-air talent, but it is not required.


Location Strike: Whenever an outside production is required; it will be the responsibility of all in the class to transport all needed gear to and from the location in a safe and timely manner. All items must be stored properly and returned in working order. If there is an issue with damage or malfunctioning equipment a proper report must be logged before you go out on location.






Camera Comp


Floor Manager Comp


Switcher Comp


Inception Deadlines/Stories


Campus Watch (producer)


Campus Watch (Crew)


Short Narrative



LAB GRADE: This class requires students to attend a lab as well as the lecture.  The Lab is not an optional part of this class. Roughly 60% of the student’s grade in Television Production comes directly from their attendance and legitimate participation in the work done within the lab.  The majority of work during our lab time will be on assignments for that week’s episode(s) of Campus Watch.  Students will work in groups to complete assignments and will either pass or fail as a CREW.  This means that students are expected to conduct themselves with professionalism and courtesy within their crews and are ALL expected to contribute.  Any student not contributing will be held personally responsible for their actions and level of activity.  


4 “B’s” of Media Production


•         BE CONFIDENT!

•         BE ASSERTIVE!

•         BE CREATIVE!

•         BE A TEAM PLAYER!



Topics / Assignments

Reading Due

Week 1
01/15 – 01/19

Studio Operations & Layout/ The Production Process

Ch. 1

No Content

No Content

No Content

No Content

No Content

No Content

Week 2
01/22 – 01/26

Mustang News Project & Inception

Ch. 5, 7

No Content

Packages & Broadcast Newswriting


No Content

No Content

No Content

Week 3
01/29 – 02/02

Floor Managing & Audio Review

No Content

No Content

Camera Orientation and Operation

Ch. 5, 7

No Content

No Content

No Content

Week 4
02/05 – 02/09

Technical Directing

Ch. 13



No Content

Pitch Day


No Content

No Content

No Content

Week 5
02/12– 02/16


Ch. 14

No Content

<Studio Practice>

No Content

No Content

No Content

No Content

Week 6
02/19 – 02/23


Ch. 19



No Content

<Studio Practice>


No Content

No Content

No Content

Week 7
02/26 – 03/02

The Rundown


<Studio Practice>

Ch. 3


No Content

No Content

Building a Show


<Studio Practice>


No Content

No Content

No Content

Week 8
03/05 – 03/09

<Studio Practice>


No Content

<Studio Practice>


No Content

No Content

No Content

Week 9
03/12 –03/16


No Content

No Content

No Content

No Content

Week 10
03/19 – 03/23

<Studio Practice>

No Content

No Content

Campus Watch Production 1, 2, 3

No Content

No Content

No Content

No Content

Week 11
03/26 – 03/30

Campus Watch Production 4, 5, 6

No Content

No Content

Developing a scene for narrative/Camera Orientation

Ch. 4

No Content

No Content

No Content

Week 12
04/02 – 04/06

Audio & Field Sound

Ch. 8, 9

No Content


Ch. 10, 11

No Content

No Content

No Content

Week 13
04/09 – 04/13

Directing, Scripting & Blocking

Ch. 16


<Begin Planning Conferences>

No Content

Working with Talent

Ch. 15

No Content

No Content

No Content

Week 14
04/16 – 04/20

Directing, Scripting & Blocking

<Planning Conferences>

No Content

Working with Talent

<Planning Conferences>

No Content

No Content

No Content

Week 15
04/23 – 04/27


No Content

No Content


No Content

No Content

No Content

No Content

Week 16
04/30 – 05/04


No Content

No Content


No Content

No Content

No Content

No Content

Week 17

05/07 – 05/11

Final:  5/7 11AM

No Content


Note: You may not submit a paper for a grade in this class that already has been (or will be) submitted for a grade in another course, unless you obtain the explicit written permission of me and the other instructor involved in advance.

Plagiarism is the use of someone else's thoughts, words, ideas, or lines of argument in your own work without appropriate documentation (a parenthetical citation at the end and a listing in "Works Cited")-whether you use that material in a quote, paraphrase, or summary. It is a theft of intellectual property and will not be tolerated, whether intentional or not.

Student Honor Creed

As an MSU Student, I pledge not to lie, cheat, steal, or help anyone else do so."

As students at MSU, we recognize that any great society must be composed of empowered, responsible citizens. We also recognize universities play an important role in helping mold these responsible citizens. We believe students themselves play an important part in developing responsible citizenship by maintaining a community where integrity and honorable character are the norm, not the exception.

Thus, We, the Students of Midwestern State University, resolve to uphold the honor of the University by affirming our commitment to complete academic honesty. We resolve not only to be honest but also to hold our peers accountable for complete honesty in all university matters.

We consider it dishonest to ask for, give, or receive help in examinations or quizzes, to use any unauthorized material in examinations, or to present, as one's own, work or ideas which are not entirely one's own. We recognize that any instructor has the right to expect that all student work is honest, original work. We accept and acknowledge that responsibility for lying, cheating, stealing, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty fundamentally rests within each individual student.

We expect of ourselves academic integrity, personal professionalism, and ethical character. We appreciate steps taken by University officials to protect the honor of the University against any who would disgrace the MSU student body by violating the spirit of this creed.

Written and adopted by the 2002-2003 MSU Student Senate.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Disability Support Services in Room 168 of the Clark Student Center, (940) 397-4140.

The professor considers this classroom to be a place where you will be treated with respect as a human being - regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, political beliefs, age, or ability. Additionally, diversity of thought is appreciated and encouraged, provided you can agree to disagree. It is the professor's expectation that ALL students consider the classroom a safe environment.

All instructors in the Department have voicemail in their offices and MSUTexas e-mail addresses. Make sure you add your instructor's phone number and e-mail address to both email and cell phone lists of contacts.

Obligation to Report Sex Discrimination under State and Federal Law

Midwestern State University is committed to providing and strengthening an educational, working, and living environment where students, faculty, staff, and visitors are free from sex discrimination of any kind. State and federal law require University employees to report sex discrimination and sexual misconduct to the University’s Office of Title IX. As a faculty member, I am required to report to the Title IX Coordinator any allegations, personally observed behavior, or other direct or indirect knowledge of conduct that reasonably may constitute sex discrimination or sexual misconduct, which includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, or stalking, involving a student or employee. After a report is made, the office of Title IX will reach out to the affected student or employee in an effort to connect such person(s) with resources and options in addressing the allegations made in the report. You are also encouraged to report any incidents to the office of Title IX. You may do so by contacting:

Laura Hetrick

Title IX Coordinator
Sunwatcher Village Clubhouse


You may also file an online report 24/7 at Maxient 

Should you wish to visit with someone about your experience in confidence, you may contact the MSU Counseling Center at 940-397-4618. For more information on the University’s policy on Title IX or sexual misconduct, please visit MSU Texas Title IX

Senate Bill 11 passed by the 84th Texas Legislature allows licensed handgun holders to carry concealed handguns on campus, effective August 1, 2016. Areas excluded from concealed carry are appropriately marked, in accordance with state law. For more information regarding campus carry, please refer to the University’s webpage at

If you have questions or concerns, please contact MSU Chief of Police at