Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Location / Building
- Hardin Administration Bldg (HA)
- Department Website
- https://msutexas.edu/academics/academic-affairs
- Phone
- (940) 397-4226
- Phone
- (940) 397-4227
- Phone
- (940) 397-4226
Related Departments / Offices
- Academic Affairs
- Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs
- Moffett Library
- Redwine Honors Program
- Billie Doris McAda Graduate School
- College of Business Administration, Dillard
- College of Fine Arts, Fain
- College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prothro - Yeager
- College of Education, West
- Wichita Falls Museum of Art at Midwestern State University
- College of Science, Mathematics & Engineering, McCoy
- Distance Education
- College of Health Sciences & Human Services, Gunn