Nursing, Wilson School of
- Location / Building
- Centennial Hall
- Department Website
- https://msutexas.edu/academics/hs2/nursing
- Phone
- (940) 397-2802
- Phone
- (940) 397-4603
- Phone
- (940) 397-4600
- Phone
- (940) 397-4602
- Phone
- (940) 397-4864
- Phone
- (940) 397-4607
- kim.mercer@msutexas.edu
- Phone
- (940) 397-4610
- Phone
- (940) 397-4047
- Phone
- (940) 397-4048
- Phone
- (940) 397-6308
- Phone
- (251) 751-1120
- Phone
- (940) 397-4599
- Phone
- (940) 397-4601
- Phone
- (940) 397-3286
- Phone
- (940) 397-4060
- Phone
- (940) 397-4547
- Phone
- (940) 397-3254
- Phone
- (940) 397-4614
- Phone
- (940) 397-4092
- Phone
- bill.palmer@msutexas.edu
- Phone
- (940) 397-6370
- ann.smith@msutexas.edu
- Phone
- (940) 397-7363
- Phone
- (940) 397-8921
- Phone
- (940) 397-4598
- Phone
- (940) 397-4349
- alicia.cure@msutexas.edu
- Phone
- (940) 397-6371
- Phone
- preji.somar@msutexas.edu
- Phone
- (940) 397-4046
- Phone
- ann.babin@msutexas.edu
- Phone
- (940) 923-7277
- Phone
- kayla.ellis@msutexas.edu
- Phone
- (940) 397-4048
- Phone
- (940) 397-4390
Related Departments / Offices
- College of Health Sciences & Human Services, Gunn